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Mental Strength



Your Vision and Personal Success

Recently I’ve been getting a lot questions around “what to do to…” i.e. have personal success, to develop mentalpersonal power strength, have personal power, etc.

All theses are great questions because they create a moving forward action.  And as I questioned deeper it became clear that these questions were generated by three main areas:

  • Media mind programming
  • Comparison to others
  • Lack of vision  

 I’m not going to address the first two issues since they seem to be obvious and actually would fall away if the last issue was addressed.

Visions have always held an import part in living a life with inner strength to stay the course.

When a person has their vision they have the help of a “wing man” like in the first episode of Stars Wars.  Remember when Jedi fighters were in the channels of the Death Star and were being attacked from behind from the evil Empire’s fighters? As one of the Jedi fighters got closer to the air vent he started to get distracted by the Empire’s fighters get closer and closer.  His wing man kept saying “Stay on target…stay on target.”  In case you forget, here’s the clip.

 [hdplay id=7 ]

That’s exactly what happens when you have our vision.  If we start to get distracted we have our wing man (our unconsciousness mind) that tells us to stay on target.   Now we won’t get blown up like the movie and by stepping into your personal power you will experience peak personal performance.

 When you’re unsure of what actions to take, why you’re taking the actions or even where you should be taking actions, this is a good indication of a lack of vision. The goods news is all this uncertainty will dissolve as soon as you have your vision.

 Vision was so important to Native American’s that is was one of the sacred ceremonies, as described in the book “The Sacred Pipe” by Black Elk.  The term for this ceremony was “Hanblecheyapi”, or crying for a vision.

Even back in Biblical times it was quoted that “Without Vision the People Perish.”  I interpret this as not a physical death, but more of an emotional and spiritual death.  That is, without a vision we can’t live our mission…who were are here to be.

Sure, without a vision you can reach small personal goals.  But with a vision you can reach big audacious personal goals and in the process you’ll develop the inner strength and mental strength to help others

When a vision is clear everything else falls into place.

 Robert Dilts explains this in relation to neurological levels as follows:  

Levels of Processes Within Individuals

Environmental factors determine the external opportunities or constraints which individuals and organizations must recognize and react to. They involve considering where and when success occurs.

Behavioral factors are the specific action steps taken in order to reach success. They involve what, specifically, must be done or accomplished in order to succeed.

Capabilities relate to the mental maps, plans or strategies that lead to success. They direct how actions are selected and monitored.

Beliefs and values provide the reinforcement that supports or inhibits particular capabilities and actions. They relate to why a particular path is taken and the deeper motivations which drive people to act or persevere.

Identity factors relate to people’s sense of their role or mission. These factors are a function of who a person or group perceives themselves to be.

“Spiritual” factors relate to people’s view of the larger system of which they are a part. These factors involve for whom or for what a particular action step or path has been taken (the purpose and vision).

Dilts likes to call the process of moving through these levels in respect to coaching “from coach to awakener”

 Here’s what he say’s about the last step, awakener.

Awakening goes beyond coaching, teaching, mentoring and sponsorship to include the level of vision, mission and spirit. An awakener supports another person by providing contexts and experiences which bring out the best of that person’s understanding of love, self, and spirit. An awakener “awakens” others through his or her own integrity and congruence. An awakener puts other people in touch with their own missions and visions by being in full contact with his or her own vision and mission.”

When we have our vision it will direct out mission and then migrate all the way down to where do we need to be to realize our vision (the environment)?

Having a vision gives us the juice for personal growth; do that we can become the person in the vision, i.e. our mission.

I hope you can now appreciate the power of a vision and how it can change your life so that you will experience peak personal performance, the feeling of contribution and meaning as well as a sense of bliss.

As Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”

I am so passionate about helping others find there vision I’m now offer a private 2 ½ -Day High Intensity Inner Strength Vision Quest.   If you’re feeling lost, empty, confused or even emphatic towards life, this quest is for you! 

If you’re 100% committed to finding your vision and would like to experience your personal vision quest, Contact Me today so that we can talk and make sure the time is right.

OK, please let me know your thoughts around a vision and mission in the comments below.

  • Personal Power – Are You Really The Best You Can Be? (
  • Mental Strength Tip #24 – You Do Have A Choice (
  • The Mindset of Confidence – Part I (
  • How You Can Benefit From a Coach (
  • Mental Strength Tip #23 – Criticism vs. Advice (
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