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Mental Strength



You Can Focus And Concentrate, But Will You?

Everyone, yes this means you, has the ability to focus and concentrate, but will you?

You can, but whether you will or not depends on you. It’s one thing to be able to do something, and another to actually do it. There is far more ability inside you that is not used than is used.

You are more powerful than you think!

Why don’t more people achieve their personal goals, their personal success and “make something” of themselves? There are few successful individuals, relatively;   compared to those have the potential. Why don’t more with what they have?

The individual circumstances may differ, but the responsibility lies squarely with the person. Everyone can achieve personal success, but very few do.

What would you like to do, that you are not doing? If you think you should be better off then you are, then why don’t you do something about it?

Study yourself carefully. Learn your shortcomings and your strengths. Sometimes only a smoothing small keeps one from tapping into their potential out and reaching their personal success. Discover, inside you, what’s been holding you back, the internal ‘cause’ for you not reaching your personal goals.

Have you been expecting someone to lead or show you, or maybe do the work for you? If you have, shift that thinking and concentrate on a new way to achieve your success.

There are two things absolutely necessary for success – taking action and the motivation to succeed. Nothing can take the place of either of these. Most of time the road to success is not an easy one, so don’t expect to find one.

The hard knocks develop your courage, mental strength and stamina. The persons that live in a lethargic and careless way will never reach their full potential. They have never faced challenging conditions and therefore don’t know how successfully move through them. Unfortunately, this is but a wasted life they will die with the music still in them.

We must create the positive conditions for success, not expect them. It’s not the person that says, “It can’t be done,” but the person that goes ahead in spite of adverse conditions, and shows that “it can be done” that will reach their peak potential and achieve their personal success.

We climb the road to success by overcoming obstacles. Stumbling blocks are but stepping-stones for the person that says, “I can and I Will.” When a mental strong individual sees those with handicaps, i.e. crippled, deaf, dumb, blind, etc reach their goals and success they are inspired and also they know that have NO excuse for not reaching theirs.

There is no goal that can withstand the force of perseverance. The seas ahead will not be easy sailing, but all hard passages can be overcome when you use your mental strength, focus and concentrate on how it can be done.   Remember, “Smooth waters do not make a good sailor.”

If you think the obstacles are insurmountable, you won’t even give it a shot and even if you did, it will be in only a half-hearted and this is no way to accomplish anything.

Many people will not even start a challenging project unless they feel sure they will succeed.

What a huge mistake!

This would be OK, at some level, if you knew FOR SURE that what you wanted to do couldn’t be done.  But then again, the practical experience and education from taking action will be lost.

Really who knows for sure if you will succeed or not?

There could be an obstruction there now that might not be there next week. There may be no obstruction now that will be there next week. The trouble with most people is that just as soon as they see their way blocked they lose courage.

They forget that usually there is a way around, over, under or through the obstacle. It’s up to you to find it. If you tackle something with little effort, when the conditions call for a big effort, you will of course not succeed.

Tackle everything with a feeling that you WILL utilize all the mental strength and personal power within you to succeed. This is the kind of focused and concentrated effort will always succeed.

Most people are beaten before they start. They think they are going to encounter obstacles, and they look for them as roadblocks, instead of looking for ways to overcome them. The result is that they increase their obstacles instead of diminishing them.

Have you ever undertaken something that you thought would be hard, but afterwards found it to be easy? That is the way many goals are achieved. The things that look difficult in advance turn out to be easy of conquest when once encountered.

So start out on your journey with the idea that the road is going to be easy and clear for you and if it’s not, you’ll simply clear the way. All people who have achieved their personal success have cleared their way and many didn’t have access to all the assistance there is today.

The one great keynote of success is to do whatever you have decided to do…finish what you start!

Don’t be turned away your path, instead decide that you are going to accomplish what you set out to do…period! Don’t be frightened at a few perceived failures.  There is no failure, only feedback.  This can’t stop a person with mental strength that is determined and knows deep their heart that success is only accomplished by tremendous resolution, focus and concentration.

“He who has a firm will,”, molds the world to himself.” – Goethe

“People do not lack strength, they lack Will.” – Victor Hugo

It is not so much your skills that win your victories as it is mental strength, taking action with great determination. There is no such thing as failure for the person that does their best. No matter what you are working on right now, never loose your courage, stay strong and stay the course.

If the going is tough know that the tides are continually changing, and tomorrow or some other day they will turn to your advantage if you have the mental strength and determination to hang in there and take action. There is nothing that develops you and increases your mental strength courage like action to overcome an obstacle.

If this wasn’t case think of how boring and monotonous life would be!

So I say to the person that wants to achieve their personal success, “Don’t look at your current situation as a permanent one. Keep your mind open, and add the mental strength skills that will assist you when your opportunity presents itself. Always be alert and on the watch for opportunities. Remember, we attract what we look for. If we look for opportunities, we find them.”

Be the person others are looking for.  Inspire yourself! When they find you, give them your all. Show them that they too can use their power of focus and consecration to achieve their personal goals and personal success.

Demonstrate for them mental strength, focus, courage, valor and determination.  Be the example for others!

Begin today to develop your mental strength, focus, courage, valor and determination and pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” by going HERE now.

You are your biggest supporter.

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