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Mental Strength



Why People Can’t Make A Decision

Author: Cyril Thomas. Tenafly Police Departmen...
Image via Wikipedia

In my last post I mentioned that I attended a workshop with Rory Miller, author of “Meditations on Violence.”

In that workshop we were forced to make life or death decisions. We didn’t have the luxury of thinking it over, waiting until the moment was right or the stars were aligned perfectly….we HAD to make a decision, and make it then and now!

This experience started me thinking about those individuals (which are the majority of us) that don’t face life or death decisions as part of their regular activities. I asked “How can ‘regular’ people learn to make decisions quickly and effectively?”

In one of my newsletters I discussed the power of F.O.C.U.S. – F.O.C.U.S. is an acronym for Follow One Course Until Successful. This is a great plan for when you want to get something accomplished but have several items that require your attention. This is great for multi-taskers by the way.

The question then is which ONE course do you follow? Let’s face it, in this day and age with the plethora of ways of staying connected, responding to these connections and then moving on to the daily agenda, which one do you choose to do first?

After all this is NOT life or death (although it might feel like it sometimes).

An acronym that military, S.W.A.T. and other tactical personal use to help them is W.I.N.

This stand for “What’s Important Now”

When we were at the workshop faced with an attacker, our W.I.N. was self preservation. There were no thoughts about backed-up e-mails; shopping lists or I wonder what’s for dinner. We automatically used W.I.N.

How To Develop Your W.I.N.

I have two suggestions on developing your W.I.N. muscle. The first method is:

Daily W.I.N. Exercise:

1. Determine what’s the single most important thing you can do today (FOCUS)

2. Visualize yourself accomplishing this task(s) with ease and fun

a. See, feel, hear, smell how it will be when this task is completed

3. Write this goal down on a sticky note and place it on the corner of your computer screen

4. Then when you are faced with several discussions or task ask look at that note and ask “Which one of these will help me toward my goal for today?” (WIN)

5. Then do that ONE thing until it is finished

6. Continue this process until your daily goal is accomplished

The second method is a bit more…extreme.

The challenge with the first method is there really isn’t any pressure to make the decision. We grow when we are under pressure or tension, just like a muscle. It needs to be stressed to grow.

Again, most of us don’t have the benefit of being exposed to REAL pressure in our daily lives. Sure we may THINK we’re experiencing stress…but compared to what?

We have become so use to this daily stress that is has become a norm. Our sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight/freeze) is almost always “on” and our parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) barely has time to kick in. If we create MORE stress, then when that stress is gone, our parasympathetic nervous system has a chance to take over. This is one reason why a daily fitness/exercise routine is so important. The workout is the added stress factor.

Ok…so how does this all fit into the W.I.N formula?

We need to intentionally create more pressure and then make a decision under that pressure. I’m not saying that you have to have someone break into your home/office and force you to make a decision about what you’re going to do today…that would be a bit too ridiculous.

What I am suggestion is HITT-WIN.

1. We’re going to use high intensity interval training (HIIT)with a 30/30 ratio. That’s’ 30 seconds of exercise and 30 seconds of rest.

2. Grab one on of those little crossword, Sudoku or hidden word books from a convenience store. You know that ones, they can fit into your pocket and they coast about 2 bucks

3. Pick your favorite cardio exercise, i.e. kettlebell swings, jump rope, sandbags…anything you can do rhythmically.

4. Get some good music and a watch/stopwatch (or use Workout Muse). Make sure you play it loud.

5. Start the timer and for 30 seconds perform your exercise of choice to the music.

6. When 30 seconds are done, keep the music going and grab the book.

7. Start to complete one of the puzzles (you’ll have to hurry…you only have 30 seconds)

8. When your “rest” is done get back to your exercise.

9. Continue this for 5 minutes to start. If you’re anaerobic threshold is strong, go ahead for longer.

What this is doing is activating your sympathetic nervous system, your adrenaline is rushing, your heart is beating fast and you’re only thinking about the workout. Then bam! You have to solve a problem. Then back again to the workout.

This will force you to think under pressure…and you’ll get a good workout to boot.

The Super W.I.N. Formula

I suggest using the HIIT – WIN three times a week and the FOCUS –WIN everyday. Between these two you’ll not only build your WIN muscle but you’ll get in great shape as well.

For reading ease I’ve converted this post into a pdf that can be downloaded HERE.

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject below.

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