Whose Story Are You Living: Warrior Mind Podcast #263

Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to cover how we create stories, but the question is whose story are you living?
Whose Story Are You Living?
This is from The Change Blog
Do you ever find yourself telling someone you’ve recently met the story of your life? You probably don’t think of it as a story, because to you it’s all factual. Truth is, we place a lot of interpretation on our life story. And when you remember how it was from the present day perspective, you often distort fact from interpretation. When you do tell your story, do you look at it and wonder if it’s the story you would have written for yourself? Do you ever wonder whose story you are living?
Ask yourself this question: “Am I living a life of my own design, following my passions and interests, or am I following my family, friends, or society, living someone else’s dreams?” If you now realize that you are not living your chosen life story, it is time to take a look at what you’d like to change. If you’ve been doing the same career or business, living the same lifestyle, keeping too busy to take time to observe your life and your feelings, it may be time to take a time out and see what’s really important to you.
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And this is from Self Growth
Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth.
Our lives are like empty canvases, and we’re free to create whatever we want. We all have abilities, we all have unique gifts, and we all have the capacity to live richer and fuller lives. Too many people fail to understand their own power and so, fall under the spell of another individual’s power. When we fully accept that we have the potential to live as fully realized divine beings, our choices become unlimited.
With this realization, of course, comes the responsibility that we have to live in accordance with our realization. There are certain choices that will no longer be available to us, such as doing things that are out of integrity, but there is still no limit to the number of choices that exist. The more we grow, the more choices there are, because there are more things we can do, and more that we’re capable of.
I like to go inside myself and imagine on a continual basis what my life would feel like if I were living out more of my potential. I constantly question how open I am to change, and how willing I am to let go of attachments. I look closely at what it would be like to have a stronger physical body and a more aware spiritual sense. There are still times when I’m unsure of what to do, and I still experience fear over some things.
Because I don’t often feel fearful, though, I thank God for all of my opportunities. I am able to look at areas I haven’t delved into for a while, and I can sense when I’ve made progress and where I need work.
The more conscious we are, the more we can assume responsibility for ourselves; and once we know how to pay attention, the more we are free to decide if we want to or not. For example, once we know how to make money, we are free to decide whether this is important to us or not; but if we don’t know how, the choice is no longer ours.
When we are comfortable driving a big car or small car, we can make a conscious choice of which one to drive; but if we feel fearful about driving a big car, the choice to drive a small car is not coming from an empowered place. We can justify it by saying we’re using less gas, and thus, are helping the environment, but we still have been led to a choice by fear.
So, I come back to the question we started with:
Whose Story Are You Living?
Are you unfolding your own myth, as Rumi suggests?
Regardless of your answer to these questions, I believe that creating more options to choose from in any area of my life allows me to live a more abundant and magical life.
Look at all the periods Picasso went through. Eventually, when he stood in front of a canvas, he had a foundation for unlimited potential, because he had so many choices available to him.
As you go through the week, I invite you to notice the choices you are making and the actions you are taking.
Start creating your own story today! Contact Me about The Warriors Quest. It will transform your life forever!
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