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Mental Strength



Who We Really Are: Part 3 – Is There Opposition?

There can be apparent opposition here in this physical existence. We must remember that “opposition” is still within Source Energy, not counter to Source Energy, such as the person in the British government with the title of: “Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.” His jobs is to take every piece of legislation proposed by the Crown and tear it apart, pointing out all its flaws so that when it can be rewritten to be the best legislation possible. He is loyal in his opposition.

A famous drawing is of a perfectly white square and is entitled: “Polar Bear in a Snowstorm.” Naturally, the joke comes from the fact that nothing can be seen due to the white nature of both. Since Source Energy is all there is, possibly we need to see some contrast or opposition in order to grow. A muscle grows by being broken down a little by opposing forces, and then building up again. Growth can be seen in comparison to non-growth. All this is within Source Energy.

However, some people have taken this concept of contrast too far and have conceived of a ‘Devil’ who is almost as powerful as Source Energy and who can win over souls to a negative life, and there is resultant fear and all sorts of scary things.

It may be our job to see past these illusions to the Oneness that is Reality. Physical survival depends on some elements of opposition, such as knowing that some substances can “kill” the body. In our cars, we need to be alert to see whether or not the other driver is going to stop at the light so we can avoid an accident. We have to be careful at the edge of a cliff, knowing what could happen to the body if we fell.

Just in growing up, we have to go through many lower-consciousness aspects such as selfishness, bodily needs, fears, competition, dedication and hard work as part of our growth so that we understand what they are. That may be why we start life as infants. To gain higher consciousness, of course, we have to leave such things behind.

Even something as seemingly instantaneous as a thought goes through growth each time we have it. We may realize at some point in the day that work is over and we are far from home, needing transportation back. That is the first thought. We then think of the idea of a car to get back, then we think of our own car, then we remember that it is in the shop and we drove the truck today, then we remember where we parked the truck, and so forth.

The one single idea just sprang out of the totality of the creation of Source Energy   (meaning that it was not our personal idea) but it still went through an almost-instantaneous growth sequence.

We note that the Higgs Field, the Non-Zero Field, which exists throughout space as does the Zero-Point Field, gives mass to particles moving through it but only if they are accelerating. Likewise, as we accelerate in our growth and learning, we have energy (mass is a way of speaking of energy, since everything is really energy) added to us, and we grow into higher vibrations of energy or higher levels of consciousness the more we accelerate our efforts. If we just float along through life, not much happens and apparently the rate of change in most people over their lifetimes is very small.

The levels of consciousness have different identities. In lower levels, we deal in animalistic acts to get what we want and just stay alive. In levels a step up, we take an interest in others and in the things around us and strive to understand more.

In even higher ones, we go into reasoning and try to think our way through things, stressing that law and order lead to progress. But in the highest, we feel oneness with others instead of ego-level competition. We release all to Source Energy and are at peace in the warmth and Totality of the Presence. Then we finally gain the total awareness of who we are.

How about the Self in all this?

Well, it is an observer, which is what the mystic is. The Self just watches everything going on but does not take part since it knows all the answers. Sooner or later, we will realize that our earthly, egoistic endeavors are not giving us the relationship with Source Energy   and others that we need.

At that point, we may well become aware of the Self and its calmness and peace. At that stage, we learn to let go, allowing our Self to return our awareness to the true values of our Oneness with Source Energy   and with everything else, at which point the ego falls away and we merge again with Source Energy as our Self, our Reality, our true “personality.”

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