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Who We Really Are Part 2 – The Principle of Growth

The Principle of Growth

Obviously there are principles to be learned through life that will help us better understand ourselves and human performance. Remember though, that in the Present no thought is needed: all thoughts are here through Source Energy as Thought.

In like manner all Love; Joy, Fulfillment, and the rest of the highest levels of consciousness are there in their Totality.   We have complete self empowerment.

Quite possibly our path to reach peak human performance is to grow into these “higher” levels. In Source Energy, the principles of Change and Growth are complete in their fulfillment, but in life, with its emphasis on personal goals and personal success and the supposed element of cause and effect, we can take a deeper look to see how al this works.

A good example is a man in Texas who was the manager of a radio station. He had started as an ad salesman, and learned his craft well, becoming so good that he was made sales manager.

There, he honed his people skills along with his sales presentations (made in a rich, booming voice), and then was made a radio personality using that rich, booming voice and his ability to relate well with people, and he learned that side of the operations.

Then his skills took him to station management where he dealt with FCC regulations, local politics, and the like, and when he had grown well into that level, he became manager of the station.

He had gone though his several periods of change and growth until he was able to unite them into one and run the whole station well, knowing all the details of it and the needs of the people in various positions in the structure. He was at one with the whole the entire time, and his awareness just grew.

This is one of the things that life has to offer, think of the principle of growth.

Humans start life as helpless babies.

Why not just spring into action as full-blown adults?

Obviously, there are things to learn and ways to grow (including getting over the “personalities” that others inculcate in us when young). We need to learn the principles. Even growing old is part of it.

Plants start as seeds and they grow. Then the plant dies and returns to the soil and new plants grow from the nourishment. Similarly, stars are formed from stellar dust and other matter that gradually forms and compresses until enough heat is generated and nuclear processes start and stars grow.

They then mature, grow old, and collapse into a black holes or are broken up for other stars to grow. Galaxies collide with others and strip off stars unto themselves, thus growing even larger. Everywhere one looks there is change and growth, but Source Energy is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Source Energy is all there is.

This growth seems to take place over time, but although there is sequence, there is no time involved since Source Energy is timeless. However, even though we and the plants and the stars are part of Source Energy, it may be good for us to learn the principles of growth and change in an atmosphere in which we can see them operate using linearity, space and time. We may even be going through various lifetimes as we grow into higher levels of consciousness, and all this seems to be just the way Source Energy’s creativity unfolds.

This earth grew, from its first formation, through assuming its shape and land masses among the waters, to the appearance of bacteria and single-celled plants through formation of more and more-complex structures until the animals, plants and humans that are on the earth today resulted from that growth. There will be more growth and changes in the future.

After all, we are told that over 99% of the species that have ever existed on this earth are gone. There are others now, and we do not know which will be in the future. Of course, the sun is growing older too, and will run out of its fusible hydrogen in a few billion years and will start to use its helium core, at which point it will start to grow physically again and will become a giant, swallowing up Mercury, Venus, and even Earth in the process.

The outer planets and their moons will warm up and have their ice melted and might develop life in their turn. All is growth and it all springs from the constant creativity of Source Energy as in the Zero-Point Field, but it is all part of the Totality, and so the linearity and time lapses are but ways to see it during this earthly sojourn.

Now, this is just the creation of the earth in this particular universe. Parallel universes would have other actions and outcomes, all of which happen simultaneously.

Let us look again at the ideas of time and sequence. Time is an illusion, a way to try to explain things that we see from our limited perspectives. We say that time elapses between the first thing that happens in a sequence and the second thing, but this is not necessarily so. Source Energy is timeless, and all things are present to Source Energy.

There may be a sequence, but there is no time since it is all one in Source Energy. Therefore there is no problem with our living various existences at the same “time” since it is all one in Source Energy anyway.

We are all of Source Energy, and our Higher Selves know this. It is only the ego that tries to hold on to its present existence telling us that we are special and separate from everyone else. Our Higher Selves know that we are one with everyone else since we are all of Source Energy. It may be that we are asked to go through change and growth on earth to be able to see that concept.

I’d like to hear your thoughts about this in the comments below.

Also, if you have found this subject fascinating and would like to experience Soul Couching around this, go ahead and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE now.

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