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Who We Really Are – Part 1

An awakened warrior is on a constant quest to discover who he/she really is.  This question…“Who am I?”… quickly reveals that we are not our bodies, emotions, mind or thoughts.

Well then, just who are we?

We see that we are not our physical forms, nor our brains, nor our personalities, nor our electro-chemical thoughts, Remember that these physical things are just energy being allowed to vibrate in such a way that the form becomes visible to others.

This energy is Source Energy, The Universe, God, The Thing Itself.  What ever label you want to use is fine and for the rest of this post I’m going to use the term Source Energy.

We suspect that there is type’s of energy that does not vibrate in ways that makes outward manifestations, and we need to understand that we are being shaped by elements that we cannot see, touch, or measure at this point in our awareness. We can safely say that we are manifestations of Source Energy: everything is a manifestation of Source Energy, but that is as far as we can go.

We remember that we are using a body, a mind, and a personality at this particular point in the sequence of things, but the real “us” is what we have referred to as the “Self,” and this Self is in constant knowing contact with Source Energy. It is aware of Source Energy, whereas the ego is not so aware, having been created by Source Energy for a different, limited purpose.  The ego therefore cannot be enlightened.

The Soul is the “mediator” between Self and ego and helps to inform us of paths to take with the “Enlightenment” process.

The Self is already enlightened, but is allowed to be covered up by the ego temporarily until certain physical things are accomplished in this world – the work of the Soul. So the Self is Source Energy and thus there is no duality when we receive intuitions from Source Energy through the Self.

That is why we can go no further in saying just who we are: when we fully comprehend the Self, we will know, and we will be aware of the Presence and will thus know everything, but the knowledge is ineffable and can only be understood experientially and not rationally.

Also, in this life we seem to see things happening to us in sequence, one after another and therefore one apparently causing another. We may have trouble grasping the idea that everything exists in a totality with Source Energy, and that in actuality nothing causes anything else since everything is present in Source Energy all at once and only needs to be uncovered as the Self is uncovered.

The ego says that we are separate from others and better (or worse) than others, and that we progress through life one step at a time, whereas the Self knows that all are of equal value, are all one, and all really exist at once. The Self has no need of a body, a brain, or a personality that operate in linear fashion: it is in constant oneness with Source Energy, the Totality of all.

Nothing Cause Everything                 

Let us see an explanation of the idea mentioned before that nothing causes anything, since this is a very important concept to grasp if we are to participate in Enlightenment. Without it, we are stuck in the rational reasoning of these limited brains in these physical bodies.

All things exist simultaneously in Source Energy since Source Energy is all that is. Therefore all things exist in wave forms of potentiality, energy fields of positive possibility, Quantum mechanics shows that things existing (in the formed state) of these waves of possibility collapse differently when observed or measured by different observers. Thus, we are all co-creators with Source Energy concerning things of form in this world.

As an illustration of wave forms, when an electron decides to jump orbit, it seems to spread itself out in a wave form over various orbits and try each at the same time before making the jump to one of them in a particle form. In the same way we exist at each moment in wave forms of possibilities of what we will do next, and then at this particular point in life in this physical existence, we choose, thereby collapsing our wave of possibilities into one particle of a specific action.

All the possibilities are present at once, as with the electron, and all these possibilities are still within Source Energy. There are neither choices nor existences outside of Source Energy.

Does this mean that we have no real freedom to choose and are trapped by fate?


We have infinite choices since Source Energy is infinite and we are one with Source Energy. Source Energy “sees” all the possibilities; an observer just sees the wave collapse on one of them. The observer also concludes that he or she must have caused that thing to happen. In truth, all of the possibilities “happen,” and it is just our position as an observer when the wave form collapses into one of them that makes us think that we caused it.

As a follow-on to these concepts, when we see the big picture of Source Energy as the energy of all in form through the vibrating strings that are the base of all manifestations, and since these strings operate in eleven dimensions that we know of at the present, we can understand that we are at least eleven-dimensional beings in form, and who knows how many dimensions in the formless state. Since we can only see three of these dimensions in our present physical existence, we cannot really know who we really are through having so imperfect a view.

In addition, there is also the principle of parallel universes that astronomers are beginning to sense and write about. In such parallel existences on this earth we may live one way and experience certain decisions in one existence, while in another one (possibly going on at the same time!), we and other people make different decisions (thereby gaining different experiences), and we could be living many, many existences in various lifetimes all at once, gaining different experiences in each. Knowing exactly who we are here and now is therefore well beyond us.

So behind every action that we see takes place, there is an original field of propensity in the formless realm in a particular universe, and what we see is just one possible manifestation of that field in that universe. Everything that takes place in the world of form has its precursor in the realm of everything that is possible.

As we think we see one event happen after another in a way that makes each seem to have been caused by prior action, we are really only seeing manifestations in form that already have existed in their entirety in the field of creativity. They all existed at one time together, and only seem to happen in a linear fashion through what we call “cause.”

Now, if we believe in the stop-by-step linear causality, we will be anxious about the outcome, thinking that each step is dependent on what happens in this outer world of form, whereas if we see that all is created as a totality in the world of non-form, we have confidence, knowing that true importance is internal, in the Self that is in contact with the Creativity of Source Energy functioning out of Its Totality.

As an example, we may watch a painter take hold of a brush and lift it, and we say that he caused the brush to go up into the air. Then we see him dip his brush into the blue paint, and we conclude that he caused the paint to get on the brush. Then we see him apply the blue paint to his painting and we conclude that he caused the paint to go onto the canvas.

We may be anxious that he will put on too much blue through putting too much on the brush in the previous step. We confuse the concept of things happening in sequence and the concept of things causing each other, and sometimes even the idea of sequence without time doesn’t give the correct picture.

Let us see the painting first in its completed state, with the blue in place. We see all the colors and the scene in its entirety. We also see many views of hands holding brushes, each with a different color on it. All these hands holding colored brushes exist at once in our picture of them.

Then we can see pictures of hands holding brushes which are immersed in different colors on the palette. We see all the brushes in all the colors at the same time. They all exist simultaneously. In these views, nothing causes anything. Some have more paint, some have less. We see pictures of hands and brushes and colors and brushes touching canvas, and they all exist jointly, so that nothing is causing anything; everything already exists together.

This is the view of the creative field of propensity. Likewise, all characteristics, all actions, all shades of human endeavor exist in Source Energy   at the same time and just appear to take place in linear sequence. Now, the Self, being in contact with Source Energy, sees all these things at the same time and knows that nothing is causing anything, but that certain of these completed pictures of hands, colors and a painting only seem cause one another in the limited perspective of the ego.

The only One who knows all of it is Source Energy, and mystical people know just to go to the Source. When we become aware of our Selves, we will see that we are all a part of Source Energy.

In the Zero-Point Field, that huge creative medium existing everywhere, there is a frenzy of activity as particles from the “soup” seem to spring into existence, relate to other particles, achieve certain levels, and then fall back into the soup in their oneness with Source Energy.

Our physical reality is useful for Source Energy to experience It’s Self.  We should embrace this temporary condition, cherish every moment and take care of what we have, i.e. our bodies, mind, emotions and Soul, knowing that we are connected to Source Energy and we CAN co-create anything should enthuse us to live our life with power, passion and purpose!

I’d like to hear your thoughts about this in the comments below.

Also, if you have found this subject fascinating and would like to experience Soul Couching around this, go ahead and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE now.

You are your biggest supporter.

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