What Stops People From Achieving More: #257
Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continent’s….this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you understand three obstacles that get in the way of people achieving.
- What are the three deadliest words in any language?
- I know that.
- Can we agree that for the next two days when you hear that little voice in your head….you that one…tells you “I know that” that you’ll turn down the volume and ignore it. Can we all agree to this?
- What stops people from achieving more?
Enjoy this podcast on what stops people from achieving more
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- The Pygmalion effect
- Two group of students were assigned to two teachers. One teacher was told her students were excellent students, and well behaved.
- The other teacher was told his students were very poor students and trouble makers.
- The first group of students got great grades.
- The second group of students received bad grades.
- Neither group was what they were labeled.
- But because the teachers thought and believed what they were told, they treated each group as if it was true.
- Effectively, we get what look for (in ourselves and others)
- Mindset
- Mindset was discover by Carol Dewick a professor at Stanford
- Comparison between growth and fixed mindset
- People with a fixed mindset believe that their traits are just givens. They have a certain amount of brains and talent and nothing can change that. If they have a lot, they’re all set, but if they don’t… So people in this mindset worry about their traits and how adequate they are. They have something to prove to themselves and others.
- People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see their qualities as things that can be developed through their dedication and effort. Sure they’re happy if they’re brainy or talented, but that’s just the starting point. They understand that no one has ever accomplished great things—not Mozart, Darwin, or Michael Jordan—without years of passionate practice and learning.
- Thinking Out of The Box
- What is “the box”?
- The limitation we place on others and ourselves
- To get more out of ourselves and others we need to think beyond our limitations
- Call to action
- Develop a growth mindset
- Acknowledge and embrace imperfections.
- Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them.
- View challenges as opportunities.
- Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement. Learn more about how to fail well.
- Stop seeking approval.
- When you prioritize approval over learning, you sacrifice your own potential for growth.
- Value the process over the end result.
- Intelligent people enjoy the learning process, and don’t mind when it continues beyond an expected time frame.
- Take ownership over your attitude.
- Once you develop a growth mindset, own it. Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your life.
My e-book, Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior, will help you develop a growth mindset.
Become a peak performer and request your Introductory Consultation HERE.
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