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Mental Strength



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 56 – Confidence

This Warrior Mind podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #20 – Absolute Confidence for Personal SuccessWarrior Mind Podcast

Self-Confidence is a Mindset

Confidence is a mindset, but it is based a tangible things such as your past success. You probably derive your confidence from one or more of the following three sources:

  1. From your “practice”
  1. From what other people say or do
  1. From immediate past performance

I mention these sources of confidence because you absolutely have to tap into what makes your personal confidence clock tick. Most people will tell you that confidence comes from past success, performing well or positive experiences in their chosen field.

Confidence also varies depending on the task you are performing. You may be very confident in your specific ability, but less confident with marketing/selling yourself.  In personal success a person can have a high level of confidence with their personal ability , a medium level with their sales ability and a low level with their presentation ability.

What is self-confidence?

Confidence is a belief in the strength of your ability to perform a task. It’s a mindset that says, “I can do this.” Confidence is not the same as self-esteem. Self-esteem is based on your assessment or appraisal of your person. You can approach a task with at least six levels of confidence:

  1. I hope I can perform this task…
  1. I Maybe I can perform this task…
  1. I think I can perform this task…
  1. I believe I can perform this task…
  1. I know I can perform this task…
  1. I will perform this task successfully…

The opposite of confidence is doubt, indecision, and negative thoughts. When you doubt your ability to perform well, you are not confident and vise versa. Sometimes you can’t control the outcome of a competition, but you can control how you think and behave during the competition.

Enjoy the Podcast below:[/]

I encourage you to begin to monitor the way you use self-talk and what you say to others.  Self talk is the single most powerful proactive reprogramming technique.

Another tool to use is visualization.  See yourself exuding absolute self-confidence in a situation that is currently creating some uncertainty and anxiety. As your visualization program becomes a habit, your subconscious mind will begin to see the internal representation as ‘real.’  Visualization combined with positive self-talk will serve as the foundation for developing a mental strength belief system.

The development of self-confidence is critical for the achievement of personal success and peak personal performance.  It’s both and active and passive process.  The active part is done through self talk, visualization and other mental strength techniques.

The passive part occurs when you begin to experience uncommon success.  Most people wait for personal success, but as your mental strength coach, my job is to help you understand that to get the results you’ve never gotten you’re going to have to become someone you’ve never been.

You are your biggest supporter.

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