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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 54 – Teamwork and Personal Success

This Warrior Mind podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #18 – Cooperation for Personal SuccessWarrior Mind Podcast

This concept of intense cooperation and teamwork means going well beyond that of an average team member and becoming the biggest asset to any group you participate in.  This idea includes work ethics, attitude, and overall interaction with your team.

This podcast is to help you understand and transcend any ego based thinking about giving and receiving assistance and build the habit of intense cooperation and teamwork.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]

“What if I don’t belong to a team?”  First, in someway we all belong to a ‘team’, whether it’s a master mind group, family, friends or work…we all belong to some kind of team.

If you still believe that you don’t belong to a team…start one!

The biggest obstacle to getting people to adopt this philosophy is the weak thinking belief most people have about going the extra mile.  Many think it’s about being recognized for their efforts and the truth is it’s about the person themselves.  In other words, the person who adapts this habit of intense cooperation will be in demand no matter where they go.

When you think about intense cooperation be sure to keep your vision of personal success in your consciousness, this will provide the motivation behind taking action. This type of thinking and action will ultimately benefit you more than anyone else.  Once you understand this you can then move on to developing strategies and tactics for your personal success.

The concept of teamwork and cooperation is easy once you understand that it’s really the only logical choice for a mental strength thinker.  When the average person zig’s – the mentally strong zag’s.

Observe the masses and do the opposite!

You’ll find this often leads to peak personal performance and personal success.  The average person mentally will begin to lose their grip on their consciousness and slip into the blame game while you’ll raise your consciousness and reach your intended goal!

You are your biggest supporter.

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