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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 53 – Trying On New Beliefs

This Warrior Mind podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #17 – Open Mindedness. Warrior Mind Podcast

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to encourage you to suspend and to put on hold, your disbelief and doubts around the ideas, thoughts and philosophies that you have regarding personal success and reaching your personal goals.

I’d like to think about how tightly at times you hold on to old beliefs like a drowning man holds on to a life-preserver. We are sometimes so afraid of letting go for fear of “drowning.”  When often by letting go we can swim to a ship that will take us to exactly where we want to go.

The cool thing about beliefs is you can try them on…like a suit or jacket.  If, after a while, it doesn’t fit you can put it back.  This type of mental strength approach to open-mindedness is spirit-based consciousness.  By being open and aware that there are new and different beliefs that can possibly change your entire life is the start of peak personal performance and personal success.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]


What I’m attempting to accomplish here is to encourage you to open your mind for the sake of achieving your personal goals and personal success.

In all the Warrior Mind Podcast I’ve been challenging your beliefs at some level.  Now I’m downright asking to you “put them on hold” and consider what you believe may be all wrong!

Not wrong as in “wrong or right”, but wrong in helping you reach your personal goals and personal success.

All I’m doing here is making a suggestion for you to try on a new jacket.  When you’re presented with a new idea, no matter how small or radical, ask yourself, “I wonder how trying this idea on will help me reach my peak performance? Without an open mind it’s difficult to increase your level of conscious awareness.  Without an open mind you’re doomed to relive all your old beliefs that have been programmed into your mind and get the same results you’re currently dissatisfied with.

You are your biggest supporter.

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