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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #39 – Contemplation

This podcast is in conjunction with Mental Strength Tip # 6 – Personal Success Through IntrospectionWarrior Mind Podcast


  • The examination of one’s own thoughts, impressions, and feelings, esp for long periods
  • From L. intro “on the inside, within, to the inside.”


early 13c., from O.Fr. contemplation, from L. contemplationem “act of looking at,” from contemplari “to gaze attentively, observe,” orig. “to mark out a space for observation” (as an augur does). From com- intensive prefix + templum “area for the taking of auguries” (see temple).

Enjoy the podcast:[/]

Here are some quotes to help you develop the mental strength for introspection, contemplation and silence, that will lead to your personal growth and personal development.

“Be Silent yourself, that will induce Silence in others. Do not fall into the habit of shouting, talking long and loud. Reduce contacts to the minimum. Carry with you an atmosphere of quiet contemplation, wherever you happen to be. The less you talk, the more will become your mental power. With the increase in your mental capacity, there will be increase in your power of discrimination too. Consequently, you will give up individual discrimination . Because of this, you will begin to consider the good of the world at large rather than your own individual welfare. You must cultivate such broad feelings from this young age itself.” –  Sri Sathya Sai Baba quotes (Indian Spiritual leader, b.1926)

“If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world.” – Sri Chinmoy

“Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation”. – Jean Arp

If you’d like to get started on developing radical mental strength for personal development, personal empowerment or personal success ask your Introductory Consultation.

Also, “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” is a fantastic e-book that helps you develop awareness, consciousness and mental strength with a step-by-step plan.

Let me know about your thoughts on this podcast in the comments below.

  • Creating Action For Personal Success – Part VI (
  • The Power of Questions for Personal Growth – Part II (
  • Developing Your Mental Strength With Inner Strength (
  • Relationships And Personal Development (
  • Mental Strength Tip #32 – Your Code of Conduct and Personal Success (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 35- Mental Discipline (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 33 – Excellent Thinking (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 38 -Mental Strength Directive’s (
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