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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 37 – Beliefs vs. Facts

This podcast corresponds to Mental Strength Tip #5Warrior Mind Podcast[/]

  • Former Senator Moynahan gave a speech at the Harvard commencement in June of 2002. One of his statements struck me particularly hard. He said, “You are entitled to your own opinion…but you are not entitled to your own facts.”
  • Fact Impact

New study of the brain shows that facts and beliefs are processed in exactly the same way. –

We all have beliefs, they are not good or bad, and they either support you in helping your reach your desired goal, or keep you from it.  I’ve heard many people rephrase their beliefs under the disguise of “speaking their truth” thinking that because it is their truth it MUST be fact.

Facts cannot be changed but beliefs (speaking one’s truths) can be changed.  Take weather as an example.  Let’s say right now it’s 30°f outside, which is a fact that cannot be changed (unless you’re outside the USA and then it would be -1°c). It’s 30° cold or mild?  It depends on your perception of temperature.  If you’re from Toronto, 30° is mild.  If you’re from my Miami, you’d probably say 30° is cold.

So, is 30° mild or cold?  It depends on your perception…or belief.  In the mental strength process we call this “perception of truth.”

Most of us spend much too little time separating our beliefs from our preferences from facts about reality. We tend to think that our beliefs are grounded in facts, despite repeated evidence that they rarely are. Beliefs get us into more trouble than preferences, or as pioneering blogger Mark Twain put it “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

Nice example of this crossed my path recently, from some research conducted by two Harvard Business School Professors on wealth distribution.

  • The top bar shows the world as it is.
  • The middle bar shows the world as people believe it to be.
  • The bottom bar shows what wealth distribution people would prefer.

What you think, what you want, and what actually is: three important dimensions of reality that rarely coincide.

My goal here is to help you FIRST realize that that most facts are actually beliefs, and you have the personal power to upgrade those truths to philosophies that can serve you and help with your personal development…rather than limit you.

Use this technique as an ongoing process to until you begin to challenge your thoughts and ask “Is this a belief or a fact?” Then ask “How do I know?”

Average thinkers refuse to consider the idea that many of the things that they see as facts are actually their beliefs.  The average person connects the dots of life through things they believe as facts, and will strike back out of fear when challenged.  Remember that comfort is the mantra of the average thinker, and anything or anyone that jeopardizes their beliefs will incur the wrath of a frightened threaten individual.

In order to increase you mental strength and achieve your personal success you will have to develop the art and science of self questioning.  The more you ask, “Is this fact or just my truth?” the more you will open yourself to additional possibilities to achieve your goal.

Let me know in the comments below what’s one thing you thought was fact that after you questioned it, it turned out to be your belief.

  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 31- Know Your Purpose (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 35- Mental Discipline (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 36 – Four Levels of Communication (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 33 – Excellent Thinking (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode #27 (
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