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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 33 – Excellent Thinking

Excellent Results Begins With Excellent Thinking Warrior Mind Podcast

Purpose of this Podcast:

To assist you in discovering your beliefs regarding money, abundance and personal success.  To  start the process of removing any limiting beliefs around the wealth creation process.

Getting Started:

We’re going delve into your core beliefs about money, personal success and abundance.  This podcast is designed to uncover and clear a huge area of doubt and confusion around money and abundance.  It will also help in clearing a limiting mindset, which might be holding you back from reaching your peak personal performance and person success.  The intent of this podcast is to assist you in gaining clarity around money, success and abundance; this clarity will have a direct impact on every other area of your life as well.

It is crucial that you take time to contemplate the questions and then write down the answers.  If you haven’t done so yet, you might want to start a journal on these podcasts.[/]

Write these questions in your journal and then contemplate them and write you HONEST answers.

Mental Strength Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Money:

  • Money is….
  • Rich people are…
  • I will make $1 M this year…what echoed back to you?  You know…that little voice inside your head.  If you’re honest with yourself will acknowledge what it said.  You don’t have to believe it, just pay attention to the echo
  • What is your philosophy on success and making money?
  • Is success and making money easy or difficult?
  • Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

Possible Limited Beliefs on Abundance and Wealth

  • I’ll wreck my personal life I attempt to become wealthy
    • There is no work-life balance in getting rich
  • Rich and successful people are snobs, crooks and connivers
    • Just look at Wall Street and the economic meltdown
  • I don’t care that much about making a lot of money.
    • Really saying…I don’t believe I can ever get rich so I’ll just give up


Suggested Supportive and Empowering Beliefs on Abundance and Wealth

  • Achieving success and making money is fun and easy.
    • There are plenty of role models out there, I just need to change what I focus on
  • I deserve success, abundance and wealth.
    • I am a unique individual that adds value to people’s lives.
  • My results are tied directly to my thoughts and to have success, abundance and wealth I think empowering and supportive thoughts about success, abundance and wealth.
    • I’ve never found a successful person that complains, blames or justifies….playing the victim.


Mental Strength Questions

  • Do you feel you know all about abundance, money and The Law of Attraction?
  • Is your little voice saying “I know this stuff…I’ve heard all this before?”
  • Then if you’re so “smart” and “know that” why aren’t you more successful and living the life you TRULY desire?
  • Who do you listen to about money and personal success?
    • TV news or
    • Financial experts or wealth and abundant people?
    • Do they have what you desire?
  • What is REALLY stopping you from becoming financially free? (by honestly answering this question, your limiting beliefs will surface to the top)


Questions to Ponder

  • Are you really interested in becoming financially free and independent?
  • What would you need to change in your thinking to achieve more success and create more wealth and abundance?
  • How would you build a personal success team of mentors to help you become more abundant, successful and wealth?

Reference: Mental Strength Tip #2

Remember to visit my Kevin Matthews Blog – Maximize Potential it’s packed with great personal success stories.

Enjoy the Podcast and please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 31- Know Your Purpose (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #25 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #24 – Values (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 26 – Vision Quest (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode #27 (
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