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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #32 – Personal Goals

What are you willing to do/give to get your personal goals?Warrior Mind Podcast

Unfortunately not many have a clear vision of any personal goals, i.e. I want to lose weight, I want to make more money, etc.  Goal setting unfortunately has been so over exposed that many think it’s just not necessary or that it doesn’t work.  All the time forgetting that THEY set the goal and THEY take or do not take action to achieve it.  Goal setting works great!  It’s the people…not so much

Anyway, for those that do set goals many don’t consider what they have to do or give up in return for that goal, i.e. work 12 hours a day, talk to hundreds of people, exercising 5 times a week, etc.  They feel that by just setting the goal and doing what they’ve ALWAYS done will produce a different results.

I just saw a movie “The Adjustment Bureau” – great movie!  Without giving away too much, the theme was free-will and do we have it?  I’ve discussed this before in a previous podcast and for now I’ll state that once you set a goal you MUST do something COMPLETLEY and unexpected differently.   This was represented so well in the movie

Objective view of reality – is this effort in proportion to the size of the goal?

OK…let’s say that you have a goal and are taking different, inspired and unexpected action…is it really “enough” to the size of the goal?  Many want $1M but will only put in 3 hours of work per week.   This is the “get quick rich mentality” or get quick anything mentality.  As a society we have been brainwashed into believing the little effort equals large reward.  Sure, they’re maybe a very small percent that are true “overnight successes.”  But in most cases any successful individual has and will always put in MORE or equal effort then the size of their goal.

I dare you…take a look at your goal (if you have one), then look at the TOTAL time per week you are taking action to get it.  Oh yea…this DOES NOT include Facebook update time and Tweets.  This is really talking to people or developing and executing a marking plan.  If Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are part of that time, great!  Just don’t get to “social” with the social marketing.

If you got this goal today would you really have the infrastructure to handle it?

So…a miracle happens and you get goal today…congratulations!  Now let me ask you…do you have everything in place to support it?  If its weight loss, is you’re kitchen cleaned out all the junk and crap food.  If its money do you know where EXACTLY you’ll invest it?  If its customers, do you have management system in place to handle it?

You see, when we set and start out for our personal goals and personal success we don’t think about what would happen if we got it today!  So subconsciously we’ll do things to avoid getting our goal because we won’t be able to handle it or keep it.

Develop the environment for success before…so that it can happen.  Don’t wait until you have your goal or personal success before you create the environment….it will never happen.

Here’s my mental strength challenge…look back at the personal goals you have accomplished, you know…the ones that made you feel fantastic!  At some level you were aligned with all of the above, weren’t you?


  • Can you please help this group of people over there?
  • Action – if they want help, they need to take the first step and come to me
  • If you like what I do, tell THEM not me.

Here’s the Podcast…enjoy![/]

Please let me know our thoughts in the comments below.

  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 31- Know Your Purpose (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 23 – Final Podcast for 2010 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode #27 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 26 – Vision Quest (
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