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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 29 – The 12 Stages of Evolution for Men

This is a composite of several philosophies of transitioning and moving through life.  They are also based on my Warrior Mind Podcastexperience.  Some of the resources for this “journey” are Celtic, Shamanic, Spiral Dynamics, Native American and Archetypes.

This is indented be a broad-brush look the transitions and rites of passages.  I’ll follow-up with more detail in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, if you any of the podcast or what you read below resonates with you, perhaps it’s time for your 2nd Passage.

Here’s the podcast:[/]

Here are the notes:

1. Birth

  • The Gift Of Immortality And Magic
  • BEIGE Survival; biogenic needs satisfaction; reproduction; satisfy instinctive urges.
  • EAST – Spiritual

2. Puberty (approx age 12)

  • A Preparation For Life
  • Initiation into and establishment of core belief system; beginning to think for yourself.
  • PURPLE Placate spirit realm; honor ancestors; protection from harm; family bonds.
  • SOUTH – Emotional
  • The Lover – Although the Lover is present in everyone’s life to some degree, as a personal archetype it needs to play a significant role in the overall design of your life and your self-esteem, which is its strongest link to your psyche. The Lover is connected to issues of self-esteem because this archetype is so strongly represented by one’s physical appearance

First Gate – Fear

3. Sexual Initiation (approx age 21)

  • The Touch Of Passion
  • Leaving home or “leaving the mother”, making choices, becoming independent and/or rebellious.
  • RED Power/action; asserting self to dominate others; control; sensory pleasure.
  • The Warrior – The Warrior archetype represents physical strength and the ability to protect, defend, and fight for one’s rights.
  • WEST – Physical

4. Separation From The Feminine (approx age 24)

  • Feeling like you can “master the world”. Time of initiation.
  • BLUE Stability/order; obedience to earn reward later; meaning; purpose; certainty.

5. Alliance With The Masculine (approx age 27-34)

  • Completion of the structural development of the self. Desire to accomplish in the world, to make “your” mark.
  • ORANGE Opportunity/success; competing to achieve results; influence; autonomy.
  • NORTH – Mental

Second Gate – Inauthentic Power

6. The Realization Of Betrayal (approx age 35-38)

  • The Myth Of Success
  • Consolidating core belief systems, beginning to question the underpinnings of family and cultural belief systems. Quest for deeper core belief systems.
  • Saturn square Saturn
  • Ego de-structuring (preparation for Mid-Birth).
  • The King – The King is an archetype of major proportions, representing the height of temporal male power and authority.
  • Entering the Hero’s Quest
    • The Ordinary World (before the Journey begins.
    • The Call to Adventure
    • Refusal of the Call
    • Meeting the Mentor
  • NORTH/WEST Focus – Physical and Mental mastery to the exclusion of Emotional and Spiritual awareness

The 2nd Passage

7. Mid-Birth (approx age 39-44)

  • A Spiritual Birth Into Our Power
  • Opening to the Self, ego liberation and questing for the Authentic Self. What is hidden comes out.
  • Challenge to face bullshit inside and out. Intense detox from false self, death of the false self.
  • Ego dissolution. Looking at levels not linear, the Mystery. Ego needs to surrender the illusion of control. Come to terms with dreams… what can you really believe in? Time is disillusionment.
  • Enter the 2nd Passage
    • Crossing the Threshold
    • Tests, Allies, Enemies
    • Approach to the Inmost Cave
    • The Ordeal
    • Reward

The Third Gate – Confession

8. Reconnection With The Feminine (approx age 44-48)

  • Rediscovering The Lost Pieces Of Self
  • Brings illumination, ego redefinition. Invitation to balance.
  • Deepening of core belief systems you have explored the past 12 years. Deep sense of your own truth. Maturity and refinement.
  • GREEN – Harmony/love; joining together for mutual growth; awareness; belonging.
  • Exit the 2nd Passage and begin of the 3rd Passage
    • The Road Back
    • The Resurrection
    • Return with the Elixir
  • SOUTH/EAST focus – Emotional and Spiritual awareness with the rejection of the Physical and Mental

The 3rd Passage

9. Initiation Into The Truth (approx age 50)

  • Exposing The Mythology of Self Deception
  • Ego dismemberment and re-memberment. Shape shifting wounds into healing. Doorway into another reality.
  • …after the harvest, what stays in the garden. Restructure, sort-out, compost.
  • YELLOW – Independence/self-worth; fitting a living system; knowing; good questions.
  • The 3rd Passage
    • The Road Back
    • The Resurrection
    • Return with the Elixir

The Forth Gate – Soul Fatigue

10. Atonement (approx age 58-60)

  • Forgiving The Sins Of Sun And Moon
  • Larger cycle for the whole process. At the karmic level… completing of emotional tasks, setting you up for full eldership.
  • The “age of philosophy”.
  • The Magician – The Magician is the wise man, the sage, the knower of secrets. He sees and navigates the inner worlds, he understands the dynamics and energy flows of the outer.
  • Transition from YELLOW to TURQUOISE

The Fifth Gate – Void/Harmony – The Mystic/Elder

11. Spiritual Elderhood (approx age 74)

  • Master And Mistress Of Two Worlds
  • The completed cycle of development in this lifetime. The opportunity for actualization of full spiritual potential, to be more than merely human.
  • TURQUOISE – Global community/life force; survival of life on Earth; consciousness.

12. Beyond Reality

  • Death – The 4th Passage

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below:

  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode 23 – Final Podcast for 2010 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #25 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #24 – Values (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode #27 (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 26 – Vision Quest (
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