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Trance Dance: Entering Our Body-Mind-Soul Consciousness

I’d like to acknowledge and thank Wilbert Alix for his guidance, instructions and mentorship to me in becoming an Trance DanceTranceDance facilitator)

From the beginnings of recorded history we find evidence of dance. It seems that our original relationship to dancing was for the purpose of worship and healing. In this ancient time our ancestors viewed nature and all of its elements as an expression of God. To duplicate or `mimic’ nature through movement and sounds was their first and highest way to connect with spirit, and was the origin of dance.

Spiritual dancing is a cross-cultural phenomenon, a testament to its power and authenticity. Cultures from every continent on this planet simultaneously embraced unique dance forms based on the animals and elements of nature present within their domain. Their purpose in dancing was to `enter the consciousness’ or `become the spirit’ of the sun, moon, and various animal and plant life. Through these dance rituals they believed that the spirits within nature could empower them with abilities such as courage and compassion, as well as reveal insights into the future.

For thousands of years spiritual dancing remained an integral part of how we maintained and enhanced our relationship to the earth. To `dance like nature’ was to vibrate at the same rate as the creator, much the same as any newborn child will mimic its environment out of love and appreciation for its existence. Dance was synonymous with what we would call prayer, a demonstration of reverence, and to dance regularly promoted spiritual and physical health and vitality.

“By dancing within the seclusion of darkness we discover parallel realities where solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems are possible.”   Wilbert Alix –

In addition, dance was a doorway to the soul or `spirit within’, and to dance oneself into a state of trance was to connect completely to the healing powers of spirit. It is from these `shamanic’ perspectives that we approach Trance Dance

Trance Dance is a unique blend of healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana – together stimulating an ‘trance’ state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being. Driven by unique musical soundtracks recorded specifically for this method of healing, Trance Dance takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ not limited to our normal perceptions of space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern dance cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. One of these is the use of a blindfold or bandana which covers the eyes, thereby shutting down the major source of distractions to the brain and stimulating an ‘inner vision’ that reveals hidden meanings and answers to many of life’s most compelling questions. 

Trance Dance employs these traditional approaches to healing along with some unique contemporary techniques. One of the most powerful of these contemporary tools is the use of a blindfold or bandanna. In more ancient times `trance dance rituals’ were done primarily at night because darkness was a necessary context for participants to focus on their inner experience or `visions’. Darkness creates a state of suspension or `stopping time’, an altered state or `trance state’ where there is no one but one’s self. It is within this inner journey that we connect with spirit and the truths it reveals. The bandanna therefore becomes a spiritual tool allowing each participant to block out all distraction and to become a witness to the richness of his or her own experience.

Trance Dance‘s primary focus is on healing and our relationship with spirit. By dancing within the seclusion of darkness we discover parallel realities where solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems are possible. Through Trance Dance we `disappear’, become more like our spirit, and simultaneously less attached to our difficulties, making it possible at these moments to let these problems go.

I am very proud to say that I am a trained Trance Dance facilitator, instructed personally by Wilbert Alix.  If you are interested in hosting a Trance Dance please Contact Me.

I can honestly say that Trance Dance has helped with my mental strength as well as my physical, emotional and spiritual strength.  Participating in Trance Dance can be illumination to your life’s mission/purpose that will help you achieve your personal success and peak performance.

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