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Mental Strength



Thoughts As Energy

Image via Wikipedia

In reading the excerpt below I was reminded of a CSI episode where Grissom made a comment “Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

How true is that!

Yet, how often are we influenced and make decisions by what we can see or hear?

Here’s the tricky part…the decision that is based on a “tangible” experience comes from a thought. 

Guess what?

You can’t see a thought!

If energy is never created or destroyed, then when we think a thought, we are “emitting” energy. It has been proven many times that thoughts are energy and has a force behind them.  How we think directly affects the things that happen to us. 

Here’s what Napoleon Hill says about the invisible:

The Greatest Forces Are “Intangible”

by Dr. Napoleon Hill

The depression brought the world to the very border-line of understanding of the forces which are intangible and unseen. Through the ages which have passed, man has depended too much upon his physical senses, and has limited his knowledge to physical things, which he could see, touch, weigh, and measure.

We are not entering the most marvelous of all ages—an age which will teach us something of the intangible forces of the world about us. Perhaps we shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the “other self” is more powerful than the physical self we see when we look into a mirror.

Sometimes men speak lightly of the intangibles—the things which they cannot perceive through any of their five senses, and when we hear them, it should remind us that all of us are controlled by forces which are unseen and intangible.

The whole of mankind has not the power to cope with, nor to control the intangible force wrapped up in the rolling waves of the oceans. Man has not the capacity to understand the intangible force of gravity, which keeps this little earth suspended in mid-air, and keeps man from falling from it, much less the power to control that force. Man is entirely subservient to the intangible force which comes with a thunder storm, and he is just as helpless in the presence of the intangible force of electricity—nay, he does not even know what electricity is, where it comes from, or what is its purpose!

Nor is this by any means the end of man’s ignorance in connection with things unseen and intangible. He does not understand the intangible force (and intelligence) wrapped up in the soil of the earth—the force which provides him with every morsel of food he eats, every article of clothing he wears, every dollar he carries in his pocket.

Source: Think and Grow Rich. Excerpt from Chapter 13: The Brain.

In the teachings of Ernest Holmes, he discusses that we might not be able to see the magnificent and powerful forces of Nature, but when we understand how they work we can use them to our benefit, i.e. electricity, gravity, etc. 

Dr Holmes goes on and says that thoughts are natural forces like electricity.  And once we understand that laws behind thoughts…how they work, we can harness that power for our benefit and the betterment of mankind.

So, let me ask you….how are you using this incredible force of thought?

Let me know in the below comment section.

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