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Mental Strength



The World Has Suffered Enough

I very rarely post multiple times a day, but today I’m going to make an exception.

Not because I have something important to say, but because I have an important message you NEED to hear.

I’m a practitioner of the Science Of Mind.  This is a spiritual practice that focuses on how we use our mind, how we think and the specific Universal Laws associated with our thoughts.

The founder was Ernest Holmes and many successful people from all religions and walks of life attribute their wellbeing and abundance to his teachings.

I recently read an excerpt from one of his books that moved me so much that I HAD to share it with you.

The World Has Suffered Enough – Ernest Holmes

“The world is beginning to realize that it has learned all it should through suffering and pain. Surely there can be no Intelligence in the Universe that wishes man to be sick, suffer pain, be unhappy, and end in oblivion. Surely if God or Universal Intelligence is imbued with goodness, then It could not ordain that man should ultimately be other than a perfect expression of Life.

We must know definitely and consistently that the Universe is for us and not against us….We shall have to learn that evil is neither person, place, or thing of itself, but is an experience which we are allowed to have because of our divine individuality….If man takes his images of thought only from his previous experiences, then he continues in the bondage which those previous experiences create. If we talk about discord, we shall become more discordant. The more the world arms for war, the more certain it is that there will be war….Eventually, we shall understand that all human bondage is an invention of ignorance.” – Excerpted from The Essential Ernest Holmes, edited by Rev. Jesse Jennings.

I hope you’ll take some time today and deeply contemplate this message.  It just might change the way you use your mind!

You are your biggest supporter.

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