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Mental Strength



The Way Of Wealth

I recently read an interesting article.  It highlighted how business executives are not only concerned about inflation that is eroding their wealth, but also they’re uncertain as to what steps to take to preserve it.  The survey was based on interviews with 200 executives with income raging from $75,000 to $300,000 a year in six cities.  56% of the executives said they did not expect a higher standard of living in the future.

Now if people in the $75,000 to $300,000 category are worried about their finances, how much more do think the average person and family are worried about finances?

Could it be that they’re quiet desperation and inner turmoil is being manifested a shattered family life, a greater number of divorces, an alarming trend in white-collar crime, and needless disease in mind and body?

It would tough to argue against this.

The gut wrenching feeling of lack and limitation can blow peace of mind and harmony right out of the water, and can bring on more discord and discontent than almost any other race-mind condition.  It destroys families, cities and nations and until we realize that abundance is our marvelous right and inheritance, we will continue to live in poverty, lack and want and in a state lacking self-empowerment.

Of course, money itself will not necessarily make a person happy, but having a prosperity consciousness will bring joy, confidence, contentment, peace, joy and freedom from the fear of lack, in addition to money itself.

So, money without the “right” consciousness is not our objective.  What we want is an awakened understanding that the Universe is our all-sufficiency of supply in all things.  Thus, money becomes a spiritual experience and expression when we work with this principle and then exceed our human potential.

It is interesting that those who have evolved in consciousness to where they can truly be called an Awakened Warrior have little concern for demonstrating abundance.  The reason is, they have exceeded their human potential and have acknowledge that they are the boundless wealth of the Universe in the expression of human form – they know that they are part of the One Mind and that this Mind is the inexhaustible resource of all things.

The result of this acknowledgement: They have self-empowerment and they attract all good things to them in overflowing measure and continually experience the joy of abundant living.  They let their minds speak for them, and each individual consciousness makes its own particular demand on the Universal treasure trove.

How rich can you be?

As rich as you think you can be and as wealthy as your level of consciousness.!

However, most people are content and “just getting by” – and if that is as far as their consciousness can expand, then so be it.  They have made that choice.

Know that you can achieve total freedom financial and independence if you choose it and work to raise your level of consciousness to contain that level of abundance.

When we realize the presence of Universal Abundance within us and that this is an Awakened experience, and out of this Spiritual Consciousness everything that we can desire can be manifest, we have become an Awakened Warrior.

To help with this transformation below are 7 steps to begin the process of demonstrating abundance in your life.

  1. Identify with your Devine-self. Meditate daily on your unlimited substance.
  1. Claim and accept your good.  Decide and choose what you want.
  1. Build a mental equivalent. Affirm and know your good.
  1. Lift up your vision. Visualize the fulfillment of your good.
  1. Release the picture.  Know that Universal mind is doing the work for you.
  1. Be thankful.  Have a gratefully mindset as if your good is already here.
  1. Live your demonstration.  Act as if and on any ideas that come to you.

Based on my research, it seems that “acting as if” may be the most difficult, so let’s spend a few minutes on the space program.  First of all, you must capture the feeling you would have if your desires were fulfilled right now. Then go about your day with that joyful, thankful attitude.

Don’t judge by appearances.

Don’t worry about how things seen.  Let your actions be based on the truth that you are part of the Abundant Universe therefore, there is nothing missing in your life.  You are complete!

So act the part.

Acting is not pretending.  Act means to do, function, execute, operate, move, press on, put forth, commit yourself.  Let your actions be based on the knowledge of whom and what you really are.

Regardless of the kind of job you have, begin immediately to do more than has been expected of you.  Make a list of everything that needs to be done and tackled each project with enthusiasm, knowing that the more you do today, the more time you will have for something new and exciting that is coming your way tomorrow.  Then do the same thing tomorrow.

Be open and receptive to you inner-voice speaking to you through your intuition.  If you feel an urge to call someone, write a letter, or make a visit-do so.  You never know just how, when or where your inner self is going to manifest as your abundance, so these hunches may be the first link in a chain reaction that will pay off in handsome dividends.

A new money-making idea may also pop into your mind, immediately write down every detail.  As you do, and you’ll find the way and the means to develop and execute the idea flowing through your mind as you write.  Then move take action on the idea.  Don’t be concerned this flash of inspiration is the only channel for your good.

Stay open!

You’ll be amazed at the offers of assistance from strangers; the idea is given to you by friends and coworkers, the check in the mail you can expect, a new opportunity with a compensation package that you would have considered unbelievable before you started your prosperity program.  It is all an essential part of the activities of the great Law of abundance.

Start your mental training to live a life of power, purpose and passion, with abundance of course, pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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