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Mental Strength



The Throat Chakra: Developing Receptivity & Vulnerability

I’m continuing with my more in-depth review of the chakra’s and today we’ll look at the throat chakra.  

As a soul coach I know how important it is to be aware of each chakra and how its’ energy can help how do you find your purpose.  When you do your soul work and “clean” the blocked chakra’s you can then begin to live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

If one of our chakras is “blocked,” then the fear and emotions associated with it will manifest in our lives.  So, as you read though the description of each center and the reflected questions at the end, notice how the supportive energy or unsupportive energy shows up in your life.

5th Chakra/Throat Chakra

  • Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Vishuddha – purification
  • Location: throat
  • Gland: Thyroid,

The fifth chakra is the information center for communication and self-expression…communicating both to others and to yourself. It contains information about expressing yourself verbally and vocally, through song. The fifth chakra allows you to listen to and express your inner voice.

The throat chakra also relates to psychic levels of communication: clairaudience, telepathy, and channeling abilities. Issues relating to blocks in the fifth chakra include poor communication, not listening to your inner voice, and confusion from hearing other voices.


  • Truth, communication, creativity, sound healing, intuition, manifestation. Physicality; throat. Lies, The right to speak and hear truth
  • Associated with the key of G and the vowel sound of EYE/I as in “I”
  • Entrainment Tone: 12 hz
  • Element: Akasha (ether)
  • Parts of the Body: thyroid, parathyroid, shoulders, neck, arms, hands
  • Malfunction: sore throat, stiff neck, hearing problems, thyroid problems, colds
  • Carrier Frequency: 384 hz and 141.27 hz
  • Supports intelligent communication. Desire to look within & to purify.
  • Core Issues
    • Openness, trust, willingness, creativity, and receptivity
    • How can I experience all of those qualities?
  • Concerns
    • Development of childlike innocence: cheerful, light and playful energy.
  • Fears
    • Being worthy, even though I am not the judge of my worthiness; vulnerability; having to or needing to pay back the gifts of life.
  • Colors
    • Blue
    • Silver
    • Turquoise
  • Fragrances
    • Wisteria
    • Eucalyptus
    • Bay
  • Gifts
    • Creative expression
    • Strength of will
    • Hidden knowledge
  • Strengths
    • Open-mindedness
    • Facing of karma
    • All communications
  • Overcomes
    • Apathy
    • Weak will force
    • Resistance to change
  • Linked Animals
    • Parrot
    • Raven
  • Element
    • Light

Questions to consider with the fifth chakra:

  • What specific areas concern you when you think about the above items?
  • In what areas am I not worthy of receiving?
  • What would happen if I approached the world with the open arms, eyes, and ears of a child?
  • What do I believe regarding me receiving and being vulnerable?

Related physical imbalance include: throat, voice, gum, tooth and voice problems, larynx TMJ , Over- or Underactive thyroid conditions, catching the flu or colds, chronic infections and allergic reactions and scoliosis.

Emotional stagnation or blockage at your Vishuddha Chakra emits an energy frequency that resonates with experiences of repression of one’s thoughts and feelings, not being able, or feeling safe to speak your truth which results in stagnation of ch’i, obsessions, lack of expression, chronic depression, indecision, fears and phobias.

Because of the nature of chakra energy often soul coaching can be a great benefit in shifting and moving any stuck energy.  If you’d like to explore how soul coaching can help your release any stuck and un-supportive energy in your chakras please request a Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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