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Mental Strength



The Third Eye Chakra – Developing Inner Knowing

I’m continuing with my more in-depth review of the chakra’s and today we’ll look at the third eye chakra.  

As a soul coach I know how important it is to be aware of each chakra and how its’ energy can help how do you find your purpose.  When you do your soul work and “clean” the blocked chakra’s you can then begin to live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

If one of our chakras is “blocked,” then the fear and emotions associated with it will manifest in our lives.  So, as you read though the description of each center and the reflected questions at the end, notice how the supportive energy or unsupportive energy shows up in your life.

6th Amja Chakr/Third Eye Chakra

  • Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Ajna – perception
  • Location: Medula plexus, the point between the eyebrows
  • Gland: Pineal

The sixth chakra is the energy and information center for clear-seeing and clairvoyance. The sixth chakra contains information about seeing your own truth and distinguishing truth from lie. It allows you to see as spirit, clairvoyance…to see energy.

The third eye also relates to seeing the whole picture without judgment. Issues which relate to blocks in the sixth chakra include being blind to seeing the truth, intellectualizing but not really seeing, and limited judgmental thinking.


“Awakened” mind, Christ consciousness. Physicality; brow, third eye, Illusion , the right to see. Located through the center of the head, in line with the forehead. Balance between intellect and intuition. High spiritual experiences.

  • Associated with the key of A the vowel sound of AYE/E as in “say”
  • Entrainment Tone: 13 hz
  • Element: Pure Light
  • Parts of the Body: pineal, eyes
  • Malfunction: blindness, eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, nightmares
  • Supports your paranormal, extrasensory or super-sensible capacity for clear seeing. The gift of a clear and open 6th chakra is clairvoyance.
  • Core Issues
    • Transcending time and space, developing intuition, resolving any ideas of separation or opposites.
    • How can I achieve atonement?
  • Concerns
    • Integrating past, present and future; knowledge and awareness.
  • Fears
    • Loss of self or identity of a separate soul; now knowing the difference between real and unreal, valid and invalid.
  • Colors
    • Indigo
    • Black
    • Gray
  • Fragrances
    • Sage
    • Eucalyptus
    • Cedar
    • Myrrh
  • Gifts
    • Clairvoyance (“seeing”)
    • Spirit contact
    • Invisibility
    • Birth
    • Dream activity
  • Strengths
    • Faith
    • Discipline
    • Nurturing ability
    • Vision
  • Overcomes
    • Fear of future
    • Worries
    • Impatience
  • Linked Animals
    • Owl
    • Hawk
  • Element
    • Pure Light

Questions to consider with the sixth chakra:

  • What specific areas concern you when you think about the above items?
  • In what areas of life is the only a slight distinction between kind and wise versus evil?
  • What would happen if there were no distinction between right and wrong, real and unreal, good and bad?
  • What do you believe regarding the nature of reality?

Related physical imbalance include: Pituitary glandular disorders and kidney disease. Since the Pituitary gland operates as a master gland, influencing the healthy function of our entire endocrine system and hormonal balance, its healthy function is of paramount importance. Headache, fuzzy thinking, brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression (shared with seventh chakra)

Emotional stagnation or blockage at your Ajna Chakra emits an energy frequency that resonates with obsessive compulsive thoughts and emotions, recurring nightmares, repetitive unconscious patterns of experience, inability to discern the difference between fact and fantasy, feeling of being out of control. Emotional blockage may result in fears, phobias, lack of focus and discipline, detachment, intellectual stagnation, lacking judgment, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia.

Because of the nature of chakra energy often soul coaching can be a great benefit in shifting and moving any stuck energy.  If you’d like to explore how soul coaching can help your release any stuck and un-supportive energy in your chakras please request a Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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