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Mental Strength



The Thing, The Way and The Results

Cover of "The Science of Mind"

Cover of The Science of Mind

I’m taking a class “Beyond Limits” based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes (The Science of the Mind).  Each week we go over different aspects of Ernest’s teachings and principles of The Science of Mind.  I look at this as time for my personal mind training.

I’ve been interested in “new thought” for sometime now and actually these teachings have been around for hundreds of year.  Louise Hay was once a practitioner in the Church of Religious Science (The Science of Mind)…this is how she got her start.

Take a look at the teachings of Abraham-Hick, Seth, Dr. Michael Beckeith and John Randolph Price…even “The Secret”…they all have roots back to teachings that have been with us for ages.

During our most recent class we discussed the Creation process.  This can be thought of as three stages:

  • The Thing Itself (What it is)
  • The Way it Works
  • The Results (What it does)

This Creation process can be applied to any principle.

Take a look at any of the Natural Laws, i.e. gravity, electricity, mathematics.  These are “the thing itself.”  These are all invisible.  You cannot see gravity, electricity or mathematics.  You do see the results! Lighting is NOT electricity, it is electricity in action.  When you see something fall, you are not seeing gravity; you are seeing gravity in action.

Then there is the way it (the thing) works, this also is invisible.  You don’t see the way addition “works”, yet you do see the result of adding 2+2 that equals 4. You flick a light switch and the light bulb illuminates.

The results are the affect…the “physical”, i.e. the light is on, the plate falls when it’s dropped, the train gets louder as it approaches (the Doppler Affect).

It’s the results we see everyday, not the principle or how it works.

The great thing about Universal Principles is that anyone and everyone can use them…and ‘misuse’ them.  Everyone can and does use the principle of mathematics almost everyday to great success.  However when balancing your check book if you enter 2+2 = 22 this is a “misuse” of the principle.  Your checkbook will not balance and you will not have more money in it.  The principle never fails.

I hope you’re beginning to understand how many of the Universal Principles move and are controlled by us.  WE turn on the switch. WE balance our checkbook.  WE drop the plate. The Principles work through us.

Once we understand HOW the principle works we can use it to our and others benefit.  Again, look at electricity, once we understood it and knew how to control it, we then could benefit from it.

So, where is all this going you ask?

There is a principle that you’ve read about, heard about and even watch about, I’ll call it the Principle of Thought.  It’s been called “Law of Attraction” and law of “Cause and Effect”…it doesn’t matter what we call it.  What is important is that this principle is no different than other Universal Principle.  Once we understand it, know how to control it, we can benefit from it.  Also, like all Universal Principles we can “misuse” it. That is we can think ‘negative’ thoughts and this will create ‘negative’ results.

This is what most of us do everyday.  We misuse this awesome power at our command.  To be fare, this is mainly due to the fact that:

  1. Many don’t understand it
  2. Many don’t know how to control it

Well that what this blog is for, why I’m here and why there are so many other teachers, coaches and individuals educating us on this Principle.

There’s a great passage in “The Science of The Mind” (page 52) that goes:

“Hence, it follows that is you we believe that It will not work It really works by appearing to “not work.”  When we believe that It cannot and will not, then, according to the principle, it DOES NOT.  But when It does not, It still does – only It does according to our belief that It will not.  This is our own punishment through the Law of Cause and Effect.”

Get it…even when we misuse this principle….we’re still using it!

Please print that passage out, read it…contemplate it.  When this sinks in it will turn your thinking around!

Let me add one more thing to this that will really ‘bake your noodle’.  This is a model developed by Dr. William Guillory.  It states:

  • Reality is what we believe to be true
  • What we believe to be true is what we perceive
  • What we perceive is what we expect (what we look for)
  • What we expect (look for) is what we know
  • What we know is what we believe to be true
  • What we believe to be true is reality

Now I dare you…take the passage from page 52 and the above model.  Pick one small area of your life and run it through these two models.  This is going to take inner strength to face it and mental strength to accept it (what you discover).

I promise you….if you develop the mindset of personal growth and contemplate deeply these two principles your life WILL change…you will be able to reach your personal goals and achieve your personal success.

And if you don’t…the principles are still working anyway.

If you just can get your head around this request an Introductory Consolation…I can help you!

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