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Mental Strength



The Subtle Forces Of Mind, Soul And Life

There are moments in all our lives when we catch glimpses of a life – our life – that is infinitely beyond the life we are living now. We realize that we are living below our possibilities. We search for the truth and realization of the life that we should be living.

Instinctively we perceive that there are within us powers and forces that we are making inadequate use of, and others that we are scarcely using at all. Practical metaphysics, quantum physics as well as the known laws of mental and spiritual science, confirms this conclusion.

William James, so very well related psychology, philosophy, and even religion, to life in a supreme degree, honored his calling and did a tremendous service for all mankind, when he so clearly developed the fact that we have within us powers and forces that we are making all too little use of – that we have within us great reservoirs of power that we have as yet scarcely tapped into.

The individuals who are awake to these inner powers to their inner strength – these directing, molding, and sustaining powers and forces that belong to the realm of mind and spirit – are never to be found among those who ask: Is life worth the living? For these individuals their life has been multiplied two, ten, a hundred fold.  They are living a life or power, purpose and passion.

It’s not that the rest of us not interested in these inner powers…this inner strength, for instinctively we feel them of value.  In addition our observations of others and fleeting personal experiences confirm this inner strength exists.

It’s the problems and issue of our everyday life that seem to conspire to keep us from giving the time and attention to developing this inner strength that we know we should be giving them.

Through the body and all its sense, we are intimately related to the physical universe about us. Through the soul and spirit we are related to the Infinite Power that is the animating, the sustaining force – the Life Force – of all objective material forms.

It is through the medium of the mind that we are able to consciously relate the two.

Through our mind and mental strength we are able to realize the laws that underlie the workings of our soul, and to open ourselves that they may become the dominating forces of our lives.

There is a divine presence that will co-create with us with peace, safety, joy and abundance if we are wise and diligent enough to search for and go with it. Battling against the current is always hard and uncertain. Going with the current lightens the load of the journey. Instead of being continually uncertain and even exhausted in the mere efforts of getting through, we have time for the enjoyments along the way, as well as the ability to be supportive and encouraging to those we meet along the way.

The “natural and normal life” is created by Universal Law. It’s when we fail to seek and to follow this support, or when we deliberately take ourselves from under its influence, that uncertainties arise, legitimate longings go unfulfilled, and that violated laws bring their “penalties.”

We must take time to remember that violated any law carries with it its own “penalty”, including Universal Law.  It’s not that we get punish, we simply receive or not.  This Infinite Power works through the channel of great immutable System of Law. It’s up to us to discover and use these laws in our life. This is what mental strength, mind, intelligence, is for.

Once known, we can then utilize The Law and reap the beneficent results that are always a part of their fulfillment; knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally, we can fail to observe them, we can violate them, and suffer the results, or even be broken by them…or we can understand them, use them and live a life of power, purpose and passion!

Life isn’t that complex if we don’t constantly persist in making it so. Supreme Intelligence, creative Power works only through Law. Science and religion are but different approaches to our understanding of the Law. When both are real, they supplement one another and their findings are identical.

There are definite and well-defined laws in relation to thought as a force, and the methods as to how it determines our material and physical conditions. There are specific laws pertaining to the subconscious mind, its ceaseless building activities, how it always takes its direction in part from the active, thinking mind, and how through this channel we may connect ourselves with reservoirs of power to create self-empowerment.

There are distinct laws underlying mental strength and how it can be made a tremendous source of power in our own lives, and can likewise be made an effective way in arousing the motive powers of another for their healing, habit-forming, character-building.

There are likewise well-established facts not only as to the value, but the absolute need of periods of meditation and quiet, alone with the Source of our being, stilling the outer bodily senses, and fulfilling the conditions whereby the Voice of our of Soul can speak to us and through us, and the power of the Spirit can manifest in and through us.

A nation is great only as its people are great. Its people are great in the degree that they strike the balance between the life of the mind and the spirit – all the finer forces and emotions of life – and their outer business activities. When the latter become excessive, when we grow at the expense of the former, then the inevitable decay sets in, that spells the doom of us and our nation, and its time is paid off in exactly the same manner, and under the same law, as has that of all the other nations before it that sought to reverse the Divine order of life.

The human soul and its welfare is the highest business that any state can give its attention to. To recognize or to fail to recognize the value of the human soul in other nations, determines its real greatness and grandeur, or its self-complacent but essential vacuity. It is possible for a nation, through subtle delusions, to get such an attack of the big head that it bends over backwards, and it is liable, in this exposed position, to get a thrust in its vitals.

To be carried too far along the road of efficiency, big business, expansion, world power, domination, at the expense of the great spiritual verities, the fundamental humanities of national life, that make for the real life and welfare of its people, and that give also its true and just relations with other nations and their people, is both dangerous and in the end suicidal – it can end in nothing but loss and eventual disaster. A silent revolution of thought is taking place in the minds of the people of all nations at this time, and will continue for some years to come. A stock-taking time in which tremendous revaluations are under way, is on. It is becoming clear-cut and decisive.

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