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The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Part 2

Last week I started the discussion on the spiritual practice of kuji-in.  Today I’m going to finish up with some basic info on the each of the nine “symbols.”

As in any spiritual practice no length of article could ever do justice, so the intent here is you expose you some primary information on kuji-in and if it resonates with you, you can dig deeper….enjoy!

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Rin

Rin Mudra

  • Rin – Strength of Mind and Body – Physical strength, mental focus, and energy generation. Being physically well and having a positive outlook. Self confidence, trust in self and the Infinite. The RIN Kuji acts as a sort of hook-up to the Ultimate Source of all Power. By connecting you with this Divine energy, the RIN Kuji strengthens your mind and body, especially in collaboration with the other practices of the Kuji-In. A stronger connection to the Divine energy source will make you stronger at every level.

Rin Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On bai shira man taya sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om vajraman taya swaha (Pronounced: Om vajramaanatayaa Swaha)
  • English Literal: O thunderbolt to / who has glory / sacrifice
  • Alternate: “I am strong and powerful and I dedicate myself to service of the Spiritual Source and Oneness of All”. “I am strong and powerful and compassionate”. “Divine Omnipotent energy and wisdom is permeating every aspect of my mind, body and Spirit.” “I am strong and powerful – I serve the Spiritual Source and Oneness of All”. “I cleanse, purify, accept and forgive my sensuality and sexuality”.

Rin Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Rin is the first or root or base chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the gonads. According to Cayce, the energy of the sexual glands, when misdirected, may bring sexual perversions and unbridled sensuality. If this Spiritual center is the highest center activated during a person’s life, at death they may dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Saturn.

This afterlife realm can be referred to as the realm of earthly woes and is not a pleasant place. It is similar to the afterlife realm which is known by Catholics as purgatory, a place of cleansing, purification and starting over. Activating the root chakra brings one into the direct experience of any unresolved urges and unfinished business of a sexual nature. Once purified, the root chakra energy becomes a driving force for the activation of higher chakras and consciousness.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any unresolved sexual issues that you may have.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Kyo

Kyo Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, kyo, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, kyo, meditation, kundalini

KYO activates the flow of energy within your body and outside of you, in your environment. This Kuji will help you learn to direct energy throughout your body, and eventually outside your body, so you can manifest your desires in the objective world.

Kyo Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On isha naya in tara ya sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om isha naya yantraya swaha (Pronounced: Om ishaanayaa yantrayaa Swaha!)
  • English Literal: O vigorous behavior instrument glory
  • Alternate: “Divine energy flows through me and everything around me.” “Omnipotent Divine energy flows through me and creates all reality”. “I am one with the energy that creates all reality.”

Kyo Chakra

  • The chakra associated with kyo is the second chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the leydig gland or cells of leydig. According to Cayce, the lyden (or Leydig) gland, located above the sexual glands, is the starting point of the soul’s activity toward higher levels of Spiritual consciousness. The second chakra is a door through which the soul may enter higher afterlife realms. This chakra is often referred to as the “seat of the soul”, the point of entry and exit of the soul into a physical body.

In the meridian energy system, an energy center called the “dan tien” is located here. This center is where Qi or vital energy is stored. According to Cayce, if this gland is the highest gland activated during a person’s life, they will transition to the realm of Neptune at death. This afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of mysticism, where souls have the ability to have direct experience with the Creator and perceive the Creator. This gives the urges to seek the unusual, the mystical and the unseen forces around us. People who come to Earth from this realm seem peculiar to others and are many times misunderstood. “

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any tendency you may have to being distracted by fascination or obsession with the mystical, psychic, Spiritual or occult realms.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Toh

Toh Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, toh, meditation, kundalini  Kuji-In, mudra, toh, meditation, kundalini

Toh – Enhances your positive relationship with your immediate environment and the universe, resulting in improved harmony and balance. As you practice, begin by filling yourself with energy and then surround yourself with this energy. (This is accomplished by visualizing that it is so). This is the Kuji of harmony. It teaches you to accept the outside events of life while remaining at peace inside.

Toh Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On je te ra shi itara ji ba ra ta no-o sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om jit rashi yatra jiva ratna swaha (Pronounced: Om jitraashi yatra jivaratna Swaha!)
  • English Literal: O conquering zodiac place life treasure glory
  • Alternate: “I am one with the Infinite Divine Energy and in Harmony with the Universe.”

Toh Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Toh is the third or solar plexus chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the adreanal glands. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. Physiologically, they are two types of glands. The adrenal cortex secretes many hormones associated with inflammation, healing and mobilizing energy reserves and is controlled by the pituitary gland. The adrenal medula is an extension of the sympathetic nervous system and secretes adrenaline.

We are acutely aware of this center in times of stress, when it pours adrenaline into the blood stream to aid us in fighting or fleeing. According to Cayce, the adrenals are the storehouse of our emotional karma. From these glands come the negative energy of anger and hatred and the positive energy of compassion and enthusiasm. If this gland is the highest activated during life, they will be able to dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Mars.

According to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of anger. Cayce said this realm was the place to learn how to control the warrior-like power, aggressions and urges that each soul has the ability to project. People who come to Earth from this realm may bring with them anger, impulsiveness, and a temper. Such people may have an exalted opinion of themselves, but it makes them courageous.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront your emotional karma, unresolved anger and delusions of grandeur.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Sha

Sha Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, sha, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, sha, meditation, kundalini

Sha – Develops enhanced healing and regeneration influence and ability. This increased healing efficiency is the result of the higher levels of energy passing through our energy channels (Meridians) and solar plexus. This healing vibration will eventually radiate around you, causing other people to heal as you spend time with them.

Sha Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On ha ya baï shi ra man ta ya sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om vajraman taya swaha (Pronounced: Om vajramaanatayaa Swaha)
  • English Literal: O thunderbolt to / who has glory / sacrifice
  • Alternate: “The flow of Infinite Divine energy is healing to myself and others.”

Sha Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Sha is the fourth or heart chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the thymus. Physiologically, the thymus is the heart of the immune system and secretes hormones important to healing, immune function and longevity. The thymus gland is associated with love. Love opens all doors. At this gland, love is awakened, bringing with it consideration, unselfishness, sincerity and honesty.

According to Cayce, if this gland is the highest gland activated during a person’s life, they will be able to dwell in the afterlife realm associated with the planet Venus. According to Cayce, this afterlife realm can be referred to as the realm of love. Sympathy, the alleviating of hardships, the seeking of love, beauty and song are some influences that people from that realm possess. There is a strong attraction to the opposite sex.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any unresolved issues you have with love, compassion, romance, relationships and fascination with the opposite sex.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Kai

Kai Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, kai, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, kai, meditation, kundalini

Kai will raise your awareness and help you to develop your intuition. The mudra is called “the outer bonds”. The outer bonds are the energy currents that precede every event, if only for an instant. They are the specific influence from the outside world associated with our experiences.

Kai Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On no-o maku san man da ba za ra dan kan
  • Sanskrit: Om namah samanta vajranam hâm (Pronounced: Om namah samanta vajranam ham!)
  • English Literal: O homage everything diamond hâm
  • Alternate: “I see, feel and know the energy connections between myself, the Infinite and all things”.

Kai Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Kai is the fifth or throat chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the thyroid. Physiologically, the thyroid is the source of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones regulates metabolism. According to Cayce, the thyroid gland is related to will-power. From the misuse of the will for selfish and domineering ends, may come the condition known as hyper-thyroidism. When little effort is made to exercise the will at all, the result can be hypo-thyroidism.

The energy of the thyroid gland opens the door into the psychic realms of consciousness. If this gland is the highest gland activated during a person’s life, they will dwell in the afterlife realm associated with Uranus. According to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of the psyche. Cayce said it was natural for every soul to have a sixth sense. The Uranus afterlife realm is where the soul develops psychic ability. Uranus is also the realm of extremes. It gives people who came from there an interest in the occult and psychic phenomena. Such people have times of smoothness and other times, periods of ecstasy and depression.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any unresolved issues you have with mood swings, depression, drive, motivation, etc. You may also have to address any issues, preconceptions, blocks or biases that you may have toward psychic and intuitive experiences.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Jin

Jin Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, jin, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, jin, meditation, kundalini

Jin – This mudra is used to open your mind to the thoughts that others project from their mental activity. It can help you gain an understanding of why people do the things they do. If you want to develop compassion you can use this mudra to enhance your empathy for others. If you don’t judge what you perceive, you will perceive it with more clarity.

Jin Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On aganaya in maya sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om agnaya yan maya swaha (Pronounced: Om agnayaa yanmayaa Swaha!)
  • English Literal: O fire of Agni made of surnatural glory
  • Alternate: “Through the Infinite, I know the mind of each and all”. “I humbly recognize the oneness of all minds and respect and know them.”

Jin Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Jin is the sixth chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the pineal. According to Cayce, the pineal gland is situated a little above the pituitary gland and is the so-called “Mind of Christ” gland. When this gland has been truly awakened, one may experience spiritual Holy Communion. It is by this gland that the mind of the soul meets the Holy Spirit. This gland, when stimulated daily through meditation, can bring seer-ship or prophecy.

If this gland is the highest gland activated during a person’s life, at death they will be able to dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Mercury. Mercury is associated with high mental abilities. People who come to Earth from this realm are gifted souls who need to watch out for self-aggrandizement or their abilities will be merely stumbling stones upon their path. Mercury brings understanding, specifically the understanding of the other spheres.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any unresolved issues you have with a sense of self-importance, superiority, entitlement, etc.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Retsu

Retsu Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, retsu, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, retsu, meditation, kundalini

Retsu will alter your perception of gross matter so you will be able to perceive the different flows of energy composing our space-time multidimensional universe. Imagine that the atoms of the universe are composed of energy waves instead of rigid, inflexible solid matter; feel the flexibility of the structure of these energy waves. Understand that these energy waves build your body. You are being continuously re-created!

Retsu Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On I ro ta ki cha no ga ji ba tai sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om jyota hi chandoga jiva tay swaha (Pronounced: Om jyotihi chandoga jiva tay Swaha!)
  • English Literal: O lighting for chanting life stream glory / brilliance
  • Alternate: “I see the energetic foundation of matter, and I am that energy”. “I serve the Infinite.”

Retsu Chakra

  • The chakra associated with Retsu is the seventh chakra.

The corresponding endocrine gland is the pituitary. The pituitary gland is the master gland of the body. It is situated between and behind the eyes in the brain, acting as the third eye of ancient mysticism. It is through the pituitary gland, the highest endocrine gland, that ultimate awakening comes. It is through the energy of the pituitary gland that one may enter the very presence of God through meditation and prayer. If this gland is the highest gland activated during a person’s life, at death they will be able to dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Jupiter.

According to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of high mindedness and large groups. People who come to Earth from this realm may bring with them universality and ennoblement. They may turn their attention to large groups of people or nations. They can be expansive and may become blessed with wealth, which includes a wealth of friends, a broad-mindedness, and the ability to consider others. They often have grand ideas and notions.

The planet Pluto the seventh planet from the Earth and is associated with the afterlife realm referred to as the realm of consciousness. This afterlife realm is the realm for the final development of full consciousness. The planet Pluto was discussed by Cayce years before it was actually discovered. He referred to it as Vulcan and also as Septimus.

When Pluto was discovered, Cayce affirmed that Vulcan or Septimus was the same planet as Pluto. The Pluto realm of the afterlife brings regeneration and a growth in consciousness, but also can bring self-centeredness. Pluto represents spiritual growth and development of the soul and its influence is just now developing in the destiny of humanity.

As you activate this center, you may have to confront any unresolved issues self-centeredness and the temptations that may accompany personal charisma.

The Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In – Zai

Zai Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, zai, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, zai, meditation, kundalini

Zai – By practicing with this set, you will establish a relationship with the Universal components of creation: the elements. These elements are not only physical, they are also Spiritual. This Kuji practice is a basis for the power of manifestation. Visualize being in harmony with nature.

Visualize the flow of Qi from nature to you, and from you to nature. After a while, notice your increasing awareness that nature is alive, and that you can communicate with it. Nature will interact with you within the limits of natural law. Eventually, as you improve your sensitivity to nature, you might develop the ability to call forth an elemental manifestation, when mastered. of creation.

Zai Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On Chi ri Chi i ba ro ta ya sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om sRj iva Rtaya swaha (Pronounced: Om srija iva ritaya Swaha!)
  • Alternate: “I see the consciousness of the laws of nature, and I am that consciousness.” Or, “I am one with the consciousness of nature.”

Zen Mudra

  • Kuji-In, mudra, zen, meditation, kundalini Kuji-In, mudra, zen, meditation, kundalini

Zen – Illumination is the highest state of mind. Illumination is a kind of Completeness, accomplished by Meditation. By using this practice, you can eventually disappear from the common mind. You are still there, of course, but others in the common mind cannot register your presence, because your vibration is higher than what their minds can recognize or interpret as real. To practice, imagine simple emptiness, calm white light everywhere; Then visualize melding with the white light. It is believed that to the average person you might become invisible.

Zen Mantra

  • Japanese Kanji: On a ra ba sha no-o sowaka
  • Sanskrit: Om ah ra pa cha na dhi
  • Alternate: “I am the void and the light”.

Spiritual Practice of Kuji-In Objectives

Apply the kuji-in mudra meditations one at a time. Do each one for 7 consecutive days and journal the results. After finishing all of them, go through all of them in a sequence in one meditation and journal the results.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something new and perhaps a new or additional spiritual path and practice.

You are your biggest supporter.

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