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Mental Strength



The Root Chakra – Source of Warrior Energy

In a previous post I have a brief summary of the seven chakras.  And now I thought I go a bit deeper into each one, one at time.

As a soul coach I know that when you are aware of the each chakra and how its’ energy can help support a live of power, purpose, passion and perseverance you can then take time to ensure each center is “clean” and functioning correctly.

If one of our chakras is “blocked,” then the fear and emotions associated with it will manifest in our lives.  So, as you read though the description of each center and the reflected questions at the end, notice how the supportive energy or unsupportive energy shows up in your life.

An open and balanced root chakra instills feelings of belonging, expectation that physical needs are already met with ease, self-confidence, and ultimate happiness and freedom in life.

You might call the root chakra the warrior chakra.

1st Chakra/Root Chakra

  • Sanskrit Name: Muldhara
    Located near the base of the spine
  • Gland: adrenal

The first chakra is the energy and information center relating to survival as spirit in body. As a spiritual being, you have your own unique survival information. Along your journey, what you need to do to survive will be different from what others need to do. The first chakra is the energy center for issues relating to work, livelihood and money.

The root chakra also includes information about belonging to a group, fear and security issues. Issues which relate to blocks in the first chakra include problems with finances, not taking care of yourself, and unfounded fears.

In relation to physical survival, this is why when we step the end of building or cliff and look down or when we see someone in physical jeopardy we instinctively tighten our sphincter muscle. This is the automatic response to protect our physical self.  In this center are the forces of our inner passions. When we use the energy at this root chakra creatively, constructively and responsibly we can live fully and direct the abundant energy as we choose to.


  • Survival of the physical self, procreation, grounding, connection to Earth/nature.  Physicality; base of spine.
  • Associated with the key of C and the vowel sound of UH/U as in “huh”
  • Entrainment Tone: 8 hz
  • Carrier Frequency: 256 hz and 194.18 hz
  • Dynamic, vitalizing. Awakening & moving of the unconscious person to affirm Life.
  • Core Issues
    • Safety, security, self-preservation, how can I take care of my physical needs, the right to be here
  • Fears
    • Insecurity
    • Fear of death
  • Colors
    • Reds
    • Reddish browns
  • Fragrances
    • Cinnamon
    • Sage
  • Gifts
    • Past life abilities
    • Overcoming fears
    • Awakening the kundalini
  • Strengths
    • Physical energy
    • Common sense
    • Prosperity
  • Overcomes
    • Obsessive worries
    • Recklessness
    • Impulsiveness
    • Aggression
  • Linked Animals
    • Serpent
    • Horse
    • Element
  • Age Relation
    • 0 – 7 years

Questions to consider with the first chakra:

  • What specific areas concern you when you think about he above items?
  • When and where is it important for you to be in the role of hunter or aggressor?
  • In what situations do you feel like a victim?
  • What do you believe you must have, do, or be, to ensure your personal physical survival?

Because of the nature of chakra energy often soul coaching can be a great benefit in shifting and moving any stuck energy.  If you’d like to explore how soul coaching can help your release any stuck and unsupportive energy in your chakras please request a Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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