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Mental Strength



The Powers of Mind and Spirit

We are all live in two realms, the inner realm of mind and spirit, and the outer realm of the body and the physical universe. In the inner realm resides the silent, subtle forces that are continually determining, and with exact precision, the conditions of the outer realm.

To strike the right balance in life is one of the supreme essentials of all successful living; this is at the heart of self-empowerment. We work because we have to eat, pay bills and attempt to enjoy life. We do however require other things than just food and shelter.

These other things are not only important, but necessary.

It is however an “unconsciousness” person that doesn’t realize that life is more than food, shelter and paying bills. This type of person merely exists; they are not living a full and abundant life, one with power, purpose and passion through self-empowerment.

We can become so absorbed in making a living that we have no time “for living.” To be talented and efficient in one’s career is a good goal; but efficiency can be created by machines and software that also robs life far more than it returns it.

We can become so possessed, and even obsessed, with the idea of power and greatness through efficiency and organization, i.e. multitasking, that it becomes the “great machine” and robs people of the finer things of life.

This is where balance comes into play…again.

Our dominant thoughts and emotions determine, and with absolute accuracy, the prevailing conditions of our outward, material life, and likewise the prevailing conditions of our physical bodily. If we something a miss in the body, we must then first look at ‘cause’, the thoughts and emotions back for the physical issue.  The silent, subtle forces of mind and spirit, ceaselessly at work, are continually molding these outward and these bodily conditions.

This is where the practice of mental strength comes in.

A person makes a fundamental error who thinks this logic is merely emotional thinking without science or evidence to back it up. They are, as many people are now realizing, the great and fundamental things in life, the only things that really count in the end.

The average person can never find real and abiding satisfaction in the mere possessions, the mere accessories of life. There is an eternal something within us that ‘forbids’ it. That is the reason why so many of highly financially successful people are turning so eagerly to the very things I am now asking you to consider.

To have personal success and all the trappings cannot bring satisfaction and fulfillment.  Hey, I’m all for a fast car and a big house…and we can use these things to serve us.  But when we start to be the servant of these possessions, we have lost more than just control.  We have lost ourselves.

Its’ a consciousness and awakened warrior that realizes that it is the things of the mind and the spirit, the fundamental things in life, that really count; that here lie the forces that are to be understood and to be used in molding and creating the everyday conditions and circumstances of life; that the abundance of life all from within, that as is the inner will always and inevitably manifest into the outer.

This is why developing your emotional, spiritual and mental strength are as important, if not more so, than developing your physical strength.

Again, here balance comes into play.  We must ultimately be significantly and equally strong in all our four bodies to be able live a life of power, purpose and passion with perseverance.

Through the discipline of mental strength practice, along with emotional and positive intelligence training, soul spelunking and intense physical exercise can we create a bridge between the inner and outer realms.

If you feel that “something” inside that is calling you to live a greater life than you’re living, I encourage you to participate in The Warrior’s Quest.  You can find out more by going HERE now.

You are your biggest supporter.

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