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Mental Strength



The Power of Enthusiasm

It isn’t defeat, but rather your lack of mental strength and your attitude toward it, that whips you.

There are many things in life that you can’t control.  There is however absolutely one thing you can always control…your attitude toward any event.

Defeat is never permanent unless you allow it; there is no failure…only feedback. When you have a positive attitude, you will recognize failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it’s simply a learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help you succeed with the next attempt. Ask yourself:

  • What could I have done differently that would have altered the outcome?
  • What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes?
  • What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next time?

If you approach obstacles and setbacks with a positive attitude, you will be surprised how quickly you can turn defeat into victory.

In other words, if you face any situation with enthusiasm and look for the learning’s you’ll find them.

Enthusiasm is powerful state, one that can keep a person going long after the initial excitement wears off.  This is what Napoleon Hill had to say about enthusiasm:

“Enthusiasm is literally the gateway of approach to your spiritual qualities. It not only gives deep conviction to the words you speak, but it projects its influence into the inner recesses of the soul of anyone whom it touches.

Enthusiasm is a builder of new ideas

It is not surprising, therefore, that Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” For he had felt the rebound of enthusiasm in his own soul, where it revealed to him the hidden forces of his being and made his name immortal.

And it was this same rebound of enthusiasm, deep within the soul of Helen Keller, which inspired her with the faith through which she mastered her afflictions of deafness, dumbness and blindness.

It carried Edison through ten thousand failures and revealed to him, at long last, the secret of the incandescent electric lamp. Psychologists who have studied Edison’s achievements all agree that his astounding physical endurances was inspired by his enduring enthusiasm for his definite major purpose.

It was this same undying enthusiasm for the cause of American Independence which inspired George Washington to keep on fighting in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles until freedom and liberty had been secured for the United States of America.

And it was the power of enthusiasm which inspired the people of the United States to awaken, prepare and take action to meet another great emergency which threatened their freedom and safety at the outbreak of World War II – an achievement which astounded the world because of the efficiency and dispatch with which it was carried out.

Enthusiasm was the power which sustained Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and enabled him to carry on until he had saved the nation from self-destruction.

“How,” you may ask, “can power be attained?”

The procedure is simple and within the control of everyone, as the Creator intended it should be:

You start with hope — hope for the achievement of some definite purpose.,

Hope is the forerunner of faith.

And the smoldering embers of hope are fanned into the white flame of faith by feeding them on controlled enthusiasm backed by definiteness of purpose. The fanning process should be continued until ordinary desire becomes burning desire.

Hope, enthusiasm, and faith are the key words because of their close relationship. When they are combined with definiteness of purpose, they give one access to unlimited mind-power. These are the four factors which lead to a burning desire.

Hope alone is of little value. It is but little more than a wish, and everyone has wishes in abundance., Nothing comes of wishes until they are organized and associated with their companions: definiteness of purpose, enthusiasm and faith.

The process of organization takes place through self-discipline. This is the principle through which enthusiasm may be organized, controlled and directed to a definite end. Other principles of this philosophy which are related to enthusiasm and which may be needed for its organization and control are:

  • Definiteness of Purpose
  • The Master Mind
  • Pleasing Personality
  • Personal Initiative
  • The Habit of Learning from Defeat
  • The Habit of Going the Extra Mile
  • Applied Faith
  • Creative Vision
  • Concentration
  • The Habit of Health
  • Accurate Thinking

Mastery and application of these twelve principles will place you within easy reach of controlled enthusiasm. This has been the experience of every person who has mastered this philosophy, and it will be yours!

Men of great achievement are men of great desires. You will have such desires, and achieve them, if you will follow the instructions you have been given. Remember: Anything in life worth having is worth working for. And there is a price to be paid. The price for reaping the benefits of this philosophy consists mainly in eternal vigilance and everlasting persistence in applying such a philosophy as a daily habit. Mere knowledge is not enough. It must be applied.

Enthusiasm is a combination of mental and physical energy which is seldom found in an ailing body. It thrives best where sound physical health abounds. Sound health begins with the development and maintenance of health consciousness, just as economic success begins with prosperity consciousness.” – Source: PMA Science of Success Course: Pgs. 261-263.

One of the key points I received from this information is focused enthusiasm.  Although Napoleon Hill never used that phrase exactly in reading the above essay the underlying tone for the development and use of enthusiasm is focus.  Dr.  Hill used the phrase “definiteness of purposes”, for me this translates into focus.

So, let me ask you…what are you enthusiastic about?  How will you focus this energy into something creative and great?

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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