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Mental Strength



The Power of Coaching

Inventory Form for Lifestyle and Cultural Adju...
Image by Alaivani via Flickr

Last night was episode 2 of “Breakthrough with Tony Robbins” and although there was one fun and adventurous part (flying in a Russian MIG fighter) the rest was “in your face”…especially when the couple, Ron and Marie, had to experience homelessness in South Central LA!

It’s amazing to see how quickly Tony can discover the “real” issues behind the problems and then decide what process, technique and experience to use to break the pattern.

This is the power of a good coach.   It doesn’t matter what type of coach, i.e. NLP Coach, Success Coach, Personal Life Coach or even an Executive Coach, a good coach will always push you to your comfort zone and then beyond.

If you’re experiencing some frustration in an area of your life…you’re most likely at the edge of your comfort zone.  Remember….there are two edges, the outer edge and in the inner edge.  Last night Ron and Marie experienced both.  Their outer edge was the flying the MIG fighter.  The inner edge was being homeless. 

What their experiences provided was to simultaneously expand their comfort zone outward (they now know how far they can go) and inward (they know how far they won’t go).   

When you can experience “What’s the worst that can happen” and then know how far your mental strength will take you….look out

Sure, most of us can’t physically experience “the worst” or push ourselves the edge physically – except at workshops…like The Warrior’s Quest :-), but we can emotionally experience these situations with a good personal development coach.

Twenty years ago, no one had heard of personal life coach, personal development coach or even an executive coach.   But today coaching is featured in newspaper and magazines like The New York Times, Fortune Magazine as well as TV shows like Oprah and CNN.

Unfortunately though, most of us still have not heard of coaching, no less specialties like peak performance coaching, NLP coaching and mental coaching.  Thank goodness for individuals like Tony Robbins that brings coaching to the forefront. 

The International Coach Federation defines coaching in the following way: “Professional coaches provide an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Coaches help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives.

Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and to customize their approach to individual client needs. They seek to elicit solutions and strategies from the client; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful. The coach’s job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already has.”

Coaching is a comparably new profession. It blends the best concepts from business, NLP, psychology, philosophy, sports and spirituality. Although coaching combines skills from other disciplines, it is a distinct process of supporting others to create an ideal life. Coaches work with clients on a variety of topics: from business and professional issues to personal and spiritual concerns. A coach is an advocate, a sounding board, a cheerleader, an accountability partner, a truth teller and a supporter.

For me, coaching is the process of observation of your existing thinking, behavioral and linguistic patterns, setting specific goals, discerning hidden saboteurs and supporting you in making a plan of action and following it to achieve your desired results. Basically, coaching is to take you from where you are to where you want to go.

It’s that simple, in my peak performance coaching practice I partner with you to:

  • Clarify and Enlarge YOUR Vision
  • Discover YOUR Dreams
  • Establish YOUR Goals
  • Define or Rearrange YOUR Priorities
  • Develop YOUR Action Plans
  • Chart YOUR Course to Personal & Professional Fulfillment
  • Empower YOU
  • Encourage YOU to Breakthrough Barriers.
  • Defeat YOUR Bullies
  • Achieve YOUR Dreams

Coaching is ALL ABOUT YOUR FULFILLMENT.  Through regular coaching sessions I focuses on you, and help you discover your dreams and unlock the greatness inside of you.  As a personal life coach I listen, ask powerful questions, help you create new perspective and offer insight. 

It’s from these sessions that you’ll develop and discover your dreams and the obstacles between you and the great fulfillment in life as defined by you.  I’ll can help you develop a specific action plan, stay on track, create tools for success, encourage and empower you to achieve your dreams and help unlock the greatness in you and achieve your personal success.

Having a personal development coach in your life can speed up the process of obtaining what you want and make the journey of getting it much smoother. Having a coach will support you in becoming clear on what you really want and then getting it!

To discover how a peak performance coach might help you, complete the Discovery Form below (your can download the pdf file here). This will give you a strong base from which to explore if coaching will be useful at this stage of your life.

1) Rate yourself from 1 to 10 in each of the life areas. Ten being perfect, it can’t get any better, one meaning lots of improvement is needed in this area.

  • Health:
  • Fitness
  • Career:
  • Money:
  • Family:
  • Peace of Mind:
  • Fun:
  • Spiritual: 
  • Relationship(s):
  • Fulfillment:
  • Other: ______________

2) What is one thing you would like to achieve in the next six months that would make the biggest difference in your life?

3) If you could have more of one thing in your life, what would it be?

4) What are the top three things you are tolerating or putting up with in your life?

  • Toleration 1:
  • Toleration 2:
  • Toleration 3:

5) How would your life be different if you no longer had the above tolerations?

6) To increase your enjoyment of life, what are the three key areas for you to focus on for your own personal development?

  • Area 1:
  • Area 2:
  • Area 3:

7) Write down one thing in your life you would like to have but don’t have a clue how to go about getting it.

8) Assuming all human beings have some way of sabotaging their life, or holding themselves back, what would be your favorite method? (Check your favorite(s), write in any that are missing):

  • Procrastination
  • Indecisive
  • Arrogant/The Need to be Right
  • Not always telling absolute truth
  • Acting as the “Lone Ranger”
  • Tolerating
  • Not saying “No”
  • Not saying “Yes”
  • Controlling life/people
  • Following secondary* goals (*i.e. goals that won’t ultimately make me happy)
  • Other:

9) What would be the most valuable thing you would get from working with a coach?

So…how’d you do?  Even if you’re not ready for coaching yet, I hope these questions provided some assistance in gaining clarity. 

If you’d like to know more about mental strength and how it applies to your personal success and peak performance coaching…please Contact Me.

OK…what did you think? About this post, Episode 2 of “Breakthrough with Tony Robbins” or any experience you’ve had with coaching in the comments below.

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