The Path of Knowledge And Being A Warrior
The path of knowledge is one that is forced upon us. For us to learn, we have to be cajoled. We are constantly resisting, avoiding, and looking out for problems on the path to knowledge. There is always a force more powerful, greater, and incomprehensible than us.
These incomprehensible forces will find you. You will learn through your struggles that these forces are your friend, but in the beginning, you can just prepare for the struggles ahead of you.
This world of ours is a very scary place and we feel ill-equipped to deal with the unwavering, incomprehensible forces that surround us. An average human being mistakenly thinks these forces are explainable or changeable. He does not truly understand how to accomplish this, but he thinks human beings will do certain actions that will change or explain these forces eventually.
Being A Warrior And The Path of Knowledge
However, a warrior does not believe these forces can be changed or explained. He just learns to take the forces and use them but redirecting his course to adapt to the forces characteristics. This is the secret of a warrior. There is not much else to learn about this once you understand this one point.
By remaining open to knowledge, a person is at the will of these forces and only has one way of achieving balance, namely his will. This mean he has to feel and perform as a warrior would. I will clarify this by stating “Only when one is a warrior can he get through the path of knowledge”. The strength for living life as a warrior help the person have a better, fuller life.
I am committed to teaching you the ways of a warrior and the path of knowledge!
Therefore, I feel obligated to teach you how to feel, think, and perform as a warrior. It weakens you to act without first becoming a warrior. This could make you feel like retreating and give you a false feeling of meekness. This would also cause your body to decay since you are indifferent in this state. I am committed to turning you into a warrior who will not crumble.
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Any warrior needs always to be ready for battle. His spirit is not set on complaining and indulging. It also is not set for losing or winning. A warrior’s spirit is set for struggle, and each one of the warrior’s struggles is his last battle on this world.
The results of this means almost nothing to him. In this person’s last battle in this world, the warrior allows his spirit soar high and free. The warrior laughs hardily fighting this battle because he knows that he has an impeccable will.
The warrior determines the things that make up his world. He deliberately chooses each thing that protects him from the attacks from the forces he is trying to utilize. Average people who also are exposed to these incomprehensible forces are unaware of them since they use other types of things to protect themselves.
Human beings are involved in normal activities that humans do. These activities act like shields. Whenever the average individual comes into contact with any of these unyielding, incomprehensible forces, their bodies become more at risk for death than under other circumstances.
We die in this gap and if it widens a person needs to use his will strong enough to block it. However, this only is possible when the person is one of the warriors. When a person lacks the qualities of a warrior, he had to turn to his daily activities to deter his thoughts from the scary thoughts of an attack. This allows his gap to shrink up and close.
You need to be a warrior and choose the things you wish in your world. Do not let yourself be surrounded things that are not of your choosing anymore. I pass this onto you with the utmost of seriousness. The warriors come face to face with the unbending, incomprehensible forces because they seek them out deliberately. This makes them always ready for attacks. You too must become prepared. This can only come from the path of knowledge.
The warrior knows he is responsible for safeguarding his own life. Then when the forces attack him to open a gap, he has to strive vehemently to be able to close the gap on his own. For this, he has to have numerous items that provide him pleasure and peace.
These things should be easy for him to use to deter his thoughts from fear and that also will shrink the gap to close it. This results in him becoming whole.
In his daily life, the warrior selects the path he goes down using his heart. Consistently choosing a path using one’s heart is what divides the warrior from average individuals. He understands this path has real meaning and is comfortable traveling along it. This brings great pleasure and peace on the journey.
The items any warrior chooses on to use for his protection are things for the path and have real meaning. You need to have these kinds of meaningful items around and you must keep going.
The “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Intensive” will teach you more information on this “gap”, how you best can safeguard it, and the right way to have “powerful items” surrounding you to enable yourself to traverse the path with true heartfelt passion.