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Mental Strength



The Heart Chakra – Developing Human Potential

I’m continuing with my more in-depth review of the chakra’s and today we’ll look at the heart chakra.  

As a soul coach I know how important it is to be aware of each chakra and how its’ energy can help how do you find your purpose.  When you do your soul work and “clean” the blocked chakra’s you can then begin to live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

If one of our chakras is “blocked,” then the fear and emotions associated with it will manifest in our lives.  So, as you read though the description of each center and the reflected questions at the end, notice how the supportive energy or unsupportive energy shows up in your life.

4th Chakra/Heart Chakra

  • Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Anahata – unstruck, unhurt, fresh, clean
  • Location: heart
  • Gland: Thymus

The fourth chakra is the energy center for love, validation, and your ability to be at peace. The fourth chakra is the information center for what you love…what you’re in affinity with, what you’re magnetically drawn to. The fourth chakra relates to validation, your sense of self-worth, and self-love.

The heart chakra is also about your ability to be at peace with people, places and objects. Issues relating to blocks in the fourth chakra include losing touch with what you love, feeling unworthy, and not forgiving yourself or others.


  • Unconditional love, acceptance, expanding consciousness, higher emotions.  Physicality; heart, center of chest.
  • Associated with the key of F the vowel sound of AH/A as in “father”
  • Entrainment Tone: 10.5 hz
  • Element: Air
  • Parts of the Body: thymus, lungs, heart, pericardium, arms, hands
  • Malfunction: asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease
  • Carrier Frequency: 341 hz and 136.10 hz
  • Relaxing, soothing, balancing. Death of the Ego, opposites unite. Seat of Compassion.
  • Core Issues
    • Developing compassion, sharing freely, giving, giving, giving without any thought of return.
    • How can I be of service to others in this situation?
  • Concerns
    • Being intrinsically motivated – reward, if any, in the doing or the giving, happiness and generosity, expansive personality, flexibility and empathy.
  • Fears
    • Giving up power, not getting what I need, i.e. nobody will take care of me.
  • Colors
    • Greens
    • Pinks
    • Golden yellow
  • Fragrances
    • Rose
    • Lilac
    •  Lily
  • Gifts
    • Healing
    • Balance
    • Vision into others
    • Guidance in sacred quests
  • Strengths
    • Spiritual reverence
    •  Idealism
    • Compassion
  • Overcomes
    • Doubts and insecurity
    • Pride
    • Anger
    • Jealousy
  • Linked Animals
    • Deer
    • Hummingbird
  • Element
    • Air

Questions to consider with the fourth chakra:

  • What specific areas concern you when you think about the above items?
  • In what areas am I afraid of giving up power?
  • In what areas do I think I am not generous enough or happy enough?
  • What do I believe I must have, do, or be to ensure my ability to give freely without any thought of reward?

You may experience imbalance at your 4th chakra related to physical imbalance, including: Cardio-vascular and Respiratory problems, Allergies, Heart disease, Asthma, Lung and Breast Cancer, Thoracic spine, Pneumonia, Hypertension, Stroke, Angina, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Shoulder Girdle Pain and Discomfort, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel, Arm and Hand Pain, Chronic Restrictions in the Upper Back and Thoracic area.

Emotional stagnation or blockage at your Heart Chakra emits an energy frequency that resonates with insensitivity, passivity, sadness, depression (anger turned inward), and lack of forgiveness, anxiety, unresolved loss, and grief, being emotionally closed.

“Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he/she has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more — more unseen forms become manifest to her.” – Rumi

Because of the nature of chakra energy often soul coaching can be a great benefit in shifting and moving any stuck energy.  If you’d like to explore how soul coaching can help your release any stuck and un-supportive energy in your chakras please request a Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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