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Mental Strength



The Fourth Future – Personal Power and Creation

This post is inspired by a class I’m taking, “Beyond Limits” at the Center for Spiritual Living here in San Jose.inner strength

This is a 10-week class on possibilities.  I find this information to be in complete congruence and support’s my ideas of mental strength, inner strength and personal power.

We began our class last night discussing our future and the three futures ahead for many individuals.

1st – The Future We Plan For: This involves consciously preparing how we want to life our life.  This can involve where we want to go on vacation, where we want retire.  What we’re going to do this weekend.

The challenge with a “planned” future is that it only comes from the consciousness mind.  There is little, if any, participation from our Higher Consciousness (Higher Self) and subconsciousness mind.  You see, our consciousness mind is the goal setter and our subconsciousness mind is the goal getter.

Without active involvement from both our Higher Consciousness AND our subconsciousness mind we will be making plans based on past experiences as well as current beliefs and values.    What does this mean?  We’re going to keep repeating the past…to some extent or another.

The good thing about the future we plan for is at least there is action.

2nd – The Future We Hope For:  This usually involves no proactive planning or taking action, except for the purchase of a lottery ticket.  Sure, “hope” has been proven to be a positive energy, but when we live only on hope without any plans or action, sooner or latter the energy turns negative.

Simply hoping for a better future, without a follow-through, will lead to unsupportive thoughts, which in turn will lead to a “why bother” attitude.

3rd – The Probable, Almost Certain (Expected) Future: This is where we keep doing the same thing over and over.  We can, with almost with 100% certainty, predict our future.  There’s no clairvoyance here, it simply – keep doing what you’ve always done and you keep getting what you’ve always got.

This type of future is created by ‘unconsciously’ going through life…not aware and not caring to any degree.

Here’s the scary thing….the probable, almost certain future is always at play…unless we consciously and with purpose, created a new future for ourselves and others.  This is the 4th Future…your Vision.

How do we go about consciously and with purpose, created a new future for ourselves and others?  This sounds very much like The Future We Plan For.

First you must decide on exactly what you want. For many, this is easier said then done.  For many they have an idea…a concept of what they want, i.e. a house on a lake, be healthy, a good relationship, no financial worries.

All of these sound pretty good right?

The problem is that they are:

  1. Not specific
  2. Created from the consciousness mind

The first step in creating a new future for yourself and others is to see, feel, hear, taste and smell your future. The only way to do this by connecting and communicating with Higher Consciousness AND your subconsciousness mind.

Remember, your subconsciousness mind is the goal getter.  So what ever beliefs, values, memories and experiences you have stored there will affect your path and your future.  By establishing rapport with your subconsciousness mind you’ll be able to clear away any limiting aspects that are preventing you from living your 4th Future…your Vision.

Once the static and noise have been removed, you’ll now have a clear connection between your consciousness and subconsciousness mind and can communicate with it to get your 4th Future…your Vision.

This Vision is delivered to your subconsciousness mind via your Higher Consciousness.

Is this all starting to make sense now?

Your consciousness mind provides the “What to do” (actions). Your subconsciousness mind provides the “How to do” (your Mission) and your Higher Consciousness provides the “Why to do” (your Vision)

Your consciousness mind communicates with your subconsciousness mind and you subconsciousness communicates with your Higher Consciousness. If you’re operating only from one “mind” (your then out of your mind) or if the communication channels are clogged, you’ll be creating one of the three futures described above.

When you clear the communications channels, establish rapport with your subconsciousness mind and open up to your Higher Consciousness you’ll then be able to create your 4th Future…The Future of Fulfillment…Your Vision!

The 2nd Passages is designed to do just this…remove block, get clarity and develop an action plan for you to create your 4th Future! Contact Me if you’d like more information on The 2nd Passage and how it will change your life….forever!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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