The First Agreement: Warrior Mind Podcast #393
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In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss the first agreement from the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and just how powerful your words are.
The First Agreement – Be Impeccable With Your Word
- Your word is your power to create, and your intentions are manifested through your word. The word is like a double-edged sword. It can be used to create beautiful dreams (using the word impeccably), or misused (creates a living hell). Your word can set you free or enslave you.
- All the magic you possess is based on your word. Good use of the word is pure magic; misuse of the word is considered black magic.
- The word is so powerful that it can be used to change a life or destroy the lives. Our mind is like a fertile garden where seeds are continually planted. The seeds are opinions, ideas and concepts. When you plant a seed of thought, it grows. The word is like a seed and our minds are extremely fertile. Unfortunately, we are too often planting the seeds of fear. Our minds are fertile, but only for the types of seeds it is prepared for. We need to see what type of seeds our brain is fertile for and make sure it is prepared to receive seeds of love.
- One fear or doubt planted in our minds can haunt us forever. One word is like a spell, and humans use the word like black magicians, thoughtlessly putting spells on each other. We all have the ability to put spells on people or release them from a spell. Every time we give an opinion we are casting a spell. E.g. “You look like you are getting sick” If that person listens and agrees, they will become sick. The word is THAT powerful.
- During our growing up, people gives us their opinions all of the time. We believe these opinions and live in fear of them. If someone tells you that you are stupid in your youth and you believe it (even if you aren’t), that is a spell you are now under. One day someone might say, “Wow, you are so smart!” and free you from that spell. OR, oppositely, someone may say “Gosh you’re stupid” which just reinforces that current spell and makes it stronger
Enjoy this podcast on the first agreement.
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The First Agreement Continued
- “Impeccability” means “without sin.” So being impeccable with your word means to speak without sin. Sin is anything you do that goes against yourself. Everything that you feel or believe or say that goes against yourself is a sin. Every time you judge or blame yourself for anything is going against yourself.
- Sin begins with rejecting yourself. Self-rejection is the biggest sin you can commit.
- Being impeccable with your word means not using the word against yourself. If you see someone on the street and call them stupid, you are not using your word against someone else, you are using it against yourself. You are using it against yourself because that person will hate you, and that’s not good. If you get angry and send your emotional poison to someone else, you are using the word against yourself.
- If you love yourself and act in a loving way in your interactions, it will produce a like reaction. Love gets love. Insults get insults. Gratitude gets gratitude. Selfish gets selfish. I use my word to put a spell on you, you’ll do the same to me.
- When you are impeccable with your word, you are using your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself. Just having the intention to be impeccable with your word will help manifest the truth and clean out the emotional poison.
- We mostly use the word to spread our emotional poison- to spread anger, jealous, envy, hate, etc. The word is magic, and we use it against ourselves. We use the word to create hate between races, families, countries, etc. Misuse of the word is how we bring each other down and perpetuate the dream of hell with fear and doubt.
- Example: A mom has a bad day and yells at her daughter for singing too loudly because she has a headache. It has nothing to do with the daughter, but the mom takes it out on her. After that the girl forms a new agreement that she must repress her emotions in order to be loved and accepted. Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and then it becomes part of our belief system. We can develop a whole complex from this one spell…a spell that was cast by our own mom. But don’t blame your mom. They don’t even know that they are doing this. She is just living by the agreements her parents gave her, and their parents gave them. You MUST forgive them, they don’t even know what they are doing
- Spells from other peoples’ word are difficult to break. The only way to break them is to create a new agreement based on truth. And truth is the most important part of being impeccable with your word. One side of the sword has black magic which are lies, and the other side is pure magic which has truth. Only the truth can set you free.
- Our everyday interactions consist of us casting spells on each other with our word. This forms the worst type of black magic- GOSSIP. Gossip is pure poison! We learned how to gossip from our parents/elders. They were constantly giving their opinions about other people, and we learned that this was a normal way to communicate. Gossip is the main form of communication. It makes us feel better to see someone else feel as badly as we do. Gossip is like a computer virus. It’s a piece of language that is written with harmful intent that gets downloaded into our brain without us even knowing it. After this “virus” gets downloaded, our brain stops producing good results and spreads. Take this example: You’re looking forward to taking a class with a certain professor. Just before the class someone you know says, “Ugh, I had him last semester and he was such a jerk.” Without even knowing, this has been imprinted into you, and you might even spread the gossip to other people in your class. Imagine that every time you gossip you are inserting a computer virus into other people. Then these people will spread it to others. You end up with a world full of humans spreading viruses (emotional poison). This chaos is called the “mitote,” which is the chaos of a thousand different voices all talking to your mind at the same time. And worst of all, gossip just sends us deeper into hell.
- We also receive a ton of gossip and spells from ourselves! We tell ourselves we look fat, ugly, we’re stupid, etc. We use the word against ourselves. In order to change we need to learn what the word IS and what the word DOES. Changes will happen first in how you deal with yourself, and second in how you deal with other people.
- Your opinion is nothing but your point of view, it is not necessarily true. Your opinion is your own beliefs. We spread our beliefs so we can feel right about our own point of view.
- When you are impeccable with your word, your emotional poison will naturally be cleaned out from your mind and in your personal relationships. It will give you immunity from anyone putting a spell on you. You will only receive negativity if your mind is fertile for negativity. When you are impeccable with your word, your mind becomes fertile for positivity and truth. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. This is possible for everyone!
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