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Mental Strength



The Crown Chakra – The Non-Dual Mind

I’m continuing with my more in-depth review of the chakra’s and today we’ll look at the Crown chakra.  

As a soul coach I know how important it is to be aware of each chakra and how its’ energy can help how do you find your purpose.  When you do your soul work and “clean” the blocked chakra’s you can then begin to live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

If one of our chakras is “blocked,” then the fear and emotions associated with it will manifest in our lives.  So, as you read though the description of each center and the reflected questions at the end, notice how the supportive energy or unsupportive energy shows up in your life.

7th chakra/Crown Chakra

  • Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Sahasrara – thousandfold
  • Location: top of the head
  • Gland: Pineal

The seventh chakra is the energy center for higher spiritual information and knowingness…your ability to be still and know truth. It gives you a direct connection to your own higher spiritual information. The seventh chakra allows you-as-spirit to know things beyond what your body could know.

The crown chakra also relates to intuition and inspiration. Issues relating to blocks in the seventh chakra include being disconnected from your own higher truth, looking for answers outside of yourself, and unhealthy dependence on leaders, gurus, or masters.


Connection to the Divine/Source of all life, transcendence. “Attachment, the right to know. At all the chakra’s from the root to the third eye, there exists dual energy, the duality of which leads to common psychological issues that have been explored in the previous posts. At the crown chakra that exists no sense of duality, so there is no psychological issues to solve or integrate (mostly).  Awareness of the non-dual mind, a transcendent state beyond the duality of time and space, is the focus here.

  • Associated with the key of B and the vowel sound of EEE/E as in “me”
  • Entrainment Tone: 15 hz
  • Carrier Frequency: 480 hz and 172.06 hz
  • Element: Thought, divine will, cosmic energy
  • Parts of the Body: pituitary gland, central nervous system, cerebral cortex
  • Malfunction: inability to learn, confusion, apathy, alienation, depression, boredom
  • Supports cheerfulness and clarity of spirit. Divine inspiration.
  • Colors
    • Violet
    • Purple
    • Crystalline white
  • Fragrances
    • Frankincense
    • Sage
    • Musk
  • Gifts
    • Initiation
    • Devotion to higher cause
    • Increased wonder
    • Protection
  • Strengths
    • Creative imagination
    • Stellar influences
    • Acceptance to change
  • Overcomes
    • Procrastination
    • Superstitiousness
    • Shame
    • Lack of sympathy
  • Linked Animals
    • Eagle
  • Element
    • Pure Energy

The primary function of the Sahasrara Chakra is liberation! Through this Chakra you are connected directly to the Divine source energy of all of life. This is your connection to the Spirit world and your primary gateway into earthly manifestation at birth. The gift of the 7th Chakra is Claircognizance, or Clear Knowing, without knowing how you know. Through your Sahasrara Chakra you receive the Divine grace of direct wisdom, insight and guidance. The Sahasrara Chakra symbolizes the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual development, the awakened state.

A balanced and healthy Sahasrara Chakra is related to a healthy functioning Pineal Gland which acts as a key hormonal regulator. Research has shown that the Pineal Gland is most active at birth and death. When the Sahasrara Chakra is functioning healthily you experience direct perceptions about the oneness of all life. You move beyond duality into the space of ABSOLUTE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, an enlightened state of BLISS.

Through your 7th Chakra energy center you continually give rise to new thoughts and ideas. Thought represents the highest function of the mind. It is with your mind that your archetypal contracts in this life are constellated. This results in your particular world view or perspective about life which give rise to your perceptions from which you create your belief systems and attitudes about life which control your actions and reactions so that you become like a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you learn to focus, align and direct your thoughts through your connection to the power of the Infinite you may activate the law of grace for attaining the state of enlightenment for which you are destined, beyond all concepts.

Because of the nature of chakra energy often soul coaching can be a great benefit in shifting and moving any stuck energy.  If you’d like to explore how soul coaching can help your release any stuck and un-supportive energy in your chakras please request a Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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