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Mental Strength



The Awakened Warrior Within Us

There is a power within us that is responsive to our needs, that is here to help us exceed our human potential.

When you make conscious contact with this Power, it will literally transform your life, because you…your true essence, are a personalized expression of this Power.

You are in truth, an Awakened Warrior in potential.

What is this Power?

Where did it come from and what is its purpose?

In order to answer these questions we must start at the beginning.

In the beginning, the Infinite Power manifested us, our reality and everything in it. In other words, this Universal Mind expressed itself as an infinite number of distinct conscious beings and the environment to support them.

We are, in our true nature, an individualization of Universal Mind.  In other words, we are a manifestation or an offspring of the Universal creative energy.

This means that you are the self-expression of the Infinite Power of the universe.  Now think about this for a moment…I mean REALLY think about this.

Since you are the self-expression of the infinite mind of the universe, then the whole of this Universal Mind must be right where you are!  The Presence that is eternally expressing as you cannot leave its own self-expression can it?

Do you understand what this means?

It means that the wholeness of this Infinite Power, is around, beside and within you, projecting its Infinite attributes as you.  So, you are not only the image and likeness of this Infinite Power, but you are always at one with your Source.  Since your source has no limitation, neither do you!

This is true self-empowerment and the source of exceeding your human potential!

This is nothing new, this message has been found in numerous ancient texts and in writings that appeared several hundred years before the time of Buddha, Jesus and other similar Awakened Warriors.

In the “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, Gibbon reports that during the first century of Christianity, the lame walked, the blind saw, the sick were healed, the dead were raised, and the laws of nature were often suspended.

The use of the Power continued.  “… in the days of Irenasus, about the end of the second century, the resurrection of the dead was far from being esteemed an uncommon event…” And in Gibbon’s reference to the suspension of the laws of nature, one of the most common occurrences with the phenomenon of ‘multiplication’ – similar to Christ’s practice feeding of the multitudes.  But food was not the only physical manifestation brought forth out of mind.

Whatever needed…was provided.

I would say that what Plotinus wrote during the second century perfectly reflected man’s consciousness at that time:

There is in all of us a higher man… a man more entirely of celestial rank, almost a god, reproducing God.  When the soul begins again to mount, it comes not to something alien to its very self.  The self thus lifted, we are in likeness of the Supreme.”

This is similar to what St. Augustine said when he wrote: “I sought thee at a distance, and did not know that thou wast near.  I sought the abroad, and behold, Thou was within me.”

However, because of the repression of the individual, over time, this awareness of our Awakened Warrior rapidly faded, and except for underground thought movements, it was not until the early 1800s that this Awakened Truth came out into the light again.

Until that time, anyone disagreeing with the established church was tortured or beheaded.  If you are not a “Christian” according to the definition spelled out by the authorities of the state religion, you were in serious trouble.  It was only after the first age of Enlightenment, in the 18th century, could individuals discuss this Awakened Warrior presence.

The consciousness of the race mind evolved to the point of partial Enlightenment, and the true Awakened Warriors started to emerge.  Ralph Waldo Emerson was being called a modern prophet and said:

“…God incarnates himself in man, and ever more goes forth anew to take possession of his world…what we commonly call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not, as we know him, the represent itself, but misrepresents himself…by unlocking at all risks his human doors, man, is caught up in the life of the universe, his speech is thunder, his thought is law…”

Emerson was the prophet, but the rediscovery of the truth from the standpoint of the Awakened Warrior was Phineas Park Quimby, clock maker who lived in Portland, Maine in the 19th century.  From Quimby’s demonstrations of the Power at work, the word quickly spread and – as if the mystical curtain had parted – Awakened Warriors with Supermind powers appear throughout the world to teach the truth … that the ”I” of you is the Self-expression of the Infinite Power of the universe… that the Source or Cause of this expression can not know anything but perfect harmony in each individual life.

In the minds of all who were perceptive to the teaching of Awakened Warriorship, the stern, condemning, dictator-God fell from the sky along with him, his big black book of our sins and shortcomings.

The man-made God was dead, and in its place was the Universal Reality of Love, Self-Empowerment that had always been present with us from the beginning.

The benefits of this teaching to exceed our human potential have filled hundreds of books in the past century.  And these documented reports covered far more than levitation, telepathy, and other psychic phenomenon, there were eye-witness accounts of incredible healings, miraculous demonstrations of prosperity, the harmonious and ending of broken relationships, the fulfillment of love and companionship, and the attainment of true personal success, surely demonstrating our ability to exceed our human potential.

The proof was underscored that fact that, as an Awakened Warrior, we could not fail.

You are your biggest supporter.

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