Check Readiness

Mental Strength



Stop…Don’t Do Anything Else Until You’ve Read This!

I love entrepreneurship!  It’s what the American Dream is all about…doing what you love!mental strength

But I’ve been noticing more and more seminars, teleclasses, products etc that are promoting the best, fastest, easiest way to _____ you fill in the blank.

During these current perceived challenging economic times, these types of offers attract a lot of attention and most likely the individuals selling these programs are doing very well.

My frustration comes from the fact ALL these programs only look at behavior and not what’s behind the behavior.  If you look at this from a scientific and metaphysical perspective these type of programs…in general, will work for a VERY small percentage.

The reason is they are not addressing the mindset of the person who is purchasing the product. Everything and I mean everything starts with thoughts, well actually beliefs.  If the beliefs are not changed it doesn’t matter what the person does, they will still get the same results.

Listen; if you suck at painting, giving you a different brush isn’t going to change anything.  The reason these offerings are so compelling is the unconsciousness mind doesn’t want to change…it likes things just the way they are.  So, but not having to do any DEEP personal development work and simply following some instructions, well…this is the “simple” way to personal success (however you define that) and attractive to the ego.

Hey, don’t get me wrong, I all in favor of simple and easy, after all isn’t it simple and easy to grow vegetables?  All you have to do is plant some seeds, water and viola!  You have vegetables.    The tough part is preparing the ground.  You have dig up the weeds, rototill the soil, and use fertilizer.  Then after the seeds have been planted you still have to tend to the weeds, animals etc. that will destroy the crop…that’s a LOT of work.

The same is with these “easy” programs for fat loss, enlightenment, wealth and even relationships.  If you don’t attend to your personal soil and dig up the weeds, rotoill the ground and place good fertilizer in your mind, all you’re going to get is the same batch of weeds and crap! 

I go into this a bit more in “Why People Fail”

So before you purchase the next best thing to “make you social marketing expert” a dude or chick magnet, or wealthy like Donald Trump, get with a coach, preferably a mental strength coach, but get with a GOOD coach, NLP Practitioner, Time Empowerment ™, Hypnotists…a qualified “gardener of the mind” that will help prepare your ‘soil’ for the seeds you’re about to plant.  

If you don’t know where to look here’s some sites that can help:

Find a coach with International Coach Federation

Find a NLP Practitioner, Time Empowerment ™, hypnotists with The Association of Integrative Psychology

Trust me, after working with hundreds of clients the biggest change in their lives came AFTER they cleaned up the internal garden.

I’d like to hear from you and your thoughts in the comments below

You are your biggest supporter.

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