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Mental Strength



Self-Mastery: The Power of Concentration – Part 1

From a psychological development standpoint, people are not what they could be. They don’t use their self-mastery, their self-directing power of concentration that they are born with.

They aren’t using their mental strength to train themselves to develop their self-mastery. Every balanced and mentally strong mind possesses the power to engineer, direct and concentrate the thoughts of the mind, both in a mental and physical sense.

Humans must learn to control not only their mind but their body as well.

When reactions to external influences are autonomic and untrained; the impulses, passions, emotions, thoughts, actions and habits of a person suffer from the lack of mental strength, concentration falters, not because the mind is necessarily weak, but because the mind has not properly trained.

When mental strength is not developed the impulses, appetites, emotions and passions have full swing to do as they please and the mind becomes impulsive, restless, emotional and irregular in its action.

This is what makes weak concentration.

When mental strength is weak in development, a person will always lacks the power of concentration. Therefore you cannot learn to concentrate until you develop those very mental strength qualities that provide you the abilities to concentrate.

If you can’t concentrate one of the following is at the root cause:

  1. Deficiency of the neural centers
  2. An impulsive and emotional mind
  3. An untrained mind

The last cause can soon be eliminated by mental strength training and coaching, it’s the easiest to correct.

The impulsive and emotional state of mind can best be corrected by again developing mental strength to control and even restrain anger, passion and excitement, hatred, strong impulses, intense emotions, fretfulness, etc.

It is impossible to concentrate when you are in any of these excited states.

In addition to mental strength development, these excited states can be naturally decreased by avoiding such food and drinks that have nerve weakening or stimulating influences, or a tendency to stir up the passions, the impulses and the emotions; it’s a good practice to watch (model) those persons that are steady, calm, controlled and conservative.

Correcting the deficiency of the neural centers is harder because the person’s brain may be undeveloped and they lack the “wiring” to develop mental strength and will power.

A Weak Mind

Many have the idea that when they get into a negative state they are concentrating (on what can happen); this is just not the case. They may be mentally rehearsing, but not concentrating. Those that are in a negative state a good deal of the time cannot, as a rule, do not concentrate; they develop instead abstraction of the mind, or absence of mind.

Their power of concentration becomes weaker and they find it difficult to concentrate on anything. They very often “injure” their mind, if they keep up this state. To be able to concentrate you must possess mental strength. The person that is feeble-minded cannot concentrate, because of lack of will.

The mind that cannot focus itself on a special subject or thought is weak; also the mind that cannot move away from a subject or thought is weak. The person that can focus their mind on any problem, no matter what it is, and remove any disempowering thoughts might surface has mental strength.

Concentration, first, last and all the time, means strength of mind.

Through concentration a person is able to focus and hold their mental and physical energies towards their personal goal. A concentrated mind pays attention to thoughts, words, acts and plans. The person, who allows his mind to roam at will, will never accomplish their personal success or personal success.

They waste their energies. If you think, talk and act aimlessly, and allow your mind to wander from thought to thought, you will not and cannot concentrate. You concentrate the moment when you say, “I want to, I can, I will.”

Mistakes People Make

If you waste your time reading gossip or worthless newspaper items or over dramatized TV, you excite the impulsive and the emotional faculties, and this weakens your power of concentration. You will not be able to reach your personal success or personal success.

Concentration of the mind can only be developed by watching yourself closely. Mental strength development begins with awareness. You should consistently monitor and regulate your every thought and feeling.

When you being to watch yourself and your own acts, as well as the acts of others, you use the power of self-sufficiency, and, as you continue to do so, you improve your mental strength, until in time you can create your every thought, wish and plan at will.

To be able to focus the mind on the subject at hand is a conscious behavior and leads to concentration. Only the trained mind can focused. To hold a single thought to the absence of anything else is concentration.

A person that can’t direct their thoughts, wishes, plans, resolutions and studies cannot possibly succeed to their fullest extent. A person that is impulsive and excited one moment, and calm the next, has not developed mental strength.

They are not masters of their mind, thoughts, feelings or wishes. Such a person cannot achieve their personal success. When they become irritated they, in turn, irritate others.  This then distracts them from any chance of doing their best.

Master Your Mind

The person that can direct their thoughts and energies and hold them in a concentrated manner controls their very destiny. They can make their thoughts and action serve a higher purpose.

A person with mental strength speaks with deliberation. They have cultivated a more relaxed attitude. They are consciously attentive and focus their mind on one thing at a time. They shut out everything else.

When you are talking to someone give them your sole and undivided attention. Don’t let your attention wander or be diverted. Don’t let anything else come into your mind; use your mental strength, will and intellect so that you act in unison.

Start out in the morning with a goal to see how mentally strong you can be during the day. At times throughout the day, stop and take an inventory of your thoughts and actions to see how well you’re doing.  If you “slip”, make a note and start again tomorrow.

The more self-aware you are the better your concentration will be. Don’t be in too much of a hurry; and, remember, the more you improve your concentration, the greater your possibilities for personal success.

Concentration means success, because you are better able to manage yourself and focus your mind; you become more aligned with your actions and this invariably improves your chances for success.

When talking to a person have your own plan in mind. Concentrate your mental strength upon the purpose your conversation. Watch the other persons every move, but keep your own plans in mind. Unless you do, you’ll waste your energy and time and not accomplish what you set out to do.

I want you to find a person, who has developed their mental strength, a person strong character, a person of force. Watch and see how they have perfect control of their mind and body.

Then I want you to watch just an ordinary person. Notice how they move their eyes, arms, fingers; notice the useless expenditure of energy. These movements expend energy in a wasteful fashion. It’s important to conserve your energy and forces similar to a fine tuned machine.

Some one opens all the valves on a train and the train stops. It’s the same with you. If you want to use your full amount of your “steam”, you must close your valves and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one single purpose. Focus your mind on one purpose, one plan, and one goal.

Start developing your power of concentration by enrolling in Warrior Mind Fundamentals. This online mental training program will help you develop the mental strength so that you can reach your personal success, achieve your perusal success and live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance!

To find out more about Warrior Mind Fundamentals go HERE now.

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