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The Benefits Of Hiring A Sales Coach

When you look at forward thinking companies like Coming, Innovex, Motorola or even Lenovo, you will find that their sales process and technology is considered to be some of the most effective. In fact, these companies are finding that this area is so important, that they are having their sales management teams obtain additional performance indicator and even a sales coach.

Although you might be a smaller company compared to these industry leaders, you will still find that where you focus your attention will deliver results. For this, you need to focus on your sales team and their performance, rather than numbers.

Why Hire A Sales Coach

A great starting approach is to properly identify the strong members of your team who have the greatest potential for being a sales coach to the others. Then have the buddy up into a support network that helps others encourage and reach their goals.

In a recent study that was conducted by the Sales Executive Council (SEC), various organizations were surveyed to help determine the relative impact of effective coaching on their top 3 performers. The results of the study weren’t too shocking, when it showed that the sales coach ended up giving more value to the middle tier or core performers who show the potential, but previously weren’t using it. Perhaps most surprising is that when using a sales coach with your B and C team, there is an impressive 17% or more improvement in their productivity.

Here is a simple exercise you can to; no matter how large your company is, so that you are able to determine the focus of your sales coaching.

  • What is the overall percentage of reps that reach their assigned goals?
  • How many reps came routinely achieve about 20% of their targets?
  • How many new reps do you have and what is your turnover rate?

Most companies have a sales team that is their superstar “A” team that makes up about 10% – 20% of the workforce in new hires. Your core 60% of the sales team beyond them needs to have your focus placed on them, with money to advance them and a sales coach who can offer them guidance.

Focusing on this core makes sense from several perspectives:

  • These individuals will benefit from money invested and a sales coach.
  • They represent the largest fixed investment in your sales budget and will provide a strong return on investment.
  • If each makes a 3-5% improvement, it will have a dramatic impact on your company.

Being practical, you won’t ever have a team of nothing more than top performers, but this approach can help to improve the under performers in your company and really take you to the next level.

Need assistance with your sales performance Contact Me today!

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