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Mental Strength



Re-Minding Your Reality

In Joe Dispenza’s book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” he discusses…

“Every day, as you go about your business, seeing the same people (your friends, your boss, your spouse or your children), do the same things (drive to work, performer daily tasks, and do the same workout), go to the same places (your favorite coffee shop, the grocery store, place of employment), and look at the same objects (your car, your house, toothbrush… even your body), your known memories related to your personalized world “re-mind” you to reproduce the same reality and experiences.

We can say that the environment is actually controlling your mind.  Since the neuroscientific definition of mind is the brain in action, you repeatedly reproduce the same level of mind by “re-minding” yourself who you think you are in reference to your reality…the outer world!

Your identity becomes defined by everything outside of you, because you identify with all of the elements that make up your reality, i.e. the external world.  Thus, you’re observing your reality with a mind that is equal to it.  This then collapses the infinite wave’s possibilities of the quantum field into events that reflect the mind you used to experience your life.

You create more of the same…your reality never changes.

You may not think that your environment and your thoughts are that connected so that your reality so easily reproduced.  But when you consider that your brain is a complete record of your past, and your mind is the product of your consciousness, at one level you are always be thinking in the past.

By responding with the same brain hardware that matches what you remember, you’re creating a level of mind that is identical to the past, because your brain is automatically firing off the same existing circuits that reflect everything you already know, have experienced, and thus can be predicted.  According to quantum law (which is always working for you, even if you think it isn’t), your past is now becoming your future.

With quantum law it follows that if we believe that it will not work, it really works by appearing to “not work.”  When we believe that it cannot and will not, then, according to the principle, it does not.  But when it does not, it still does – only it does according to your thinking and belief that it will not.

Consider this: when you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences.  As all of the “known’s” in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it.  And since your brain is equal to your environment, and each morning, your senses plugged into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness.

All of the sensory input that your brain processes from the external world (that is, seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling and tasting), turns your brain on to think equal to everything familiar in your reality.  You open your eyes and you know the person lying next to you is your spouse because of your past experiences together.  You hear barking outside your door, and you know it’s your dog wanting to go out.  There is a pain in your lower back, and you remember is the same pain you felt yesterday. You associate your outer, familiar world with who you think you are, by remembering yourself in this dimension, this particular time and space.

Plugging Into the Matrix of the Past

Would do most of us do each morning after we’ve been plugged into our reality by the sensory reminders of who we are, where we are, and so forth?

Well, we remain plugged into this past self life following a highly routine, unconscious set up automatic behaviors.

For example, you probably wake up on the same side of the bed, slip into your robe the same way as always, look into the mirror to remember who you are, and shower following an automatic routine.  Then you groom yourself to look like everyone expects you to look, and brush your teeth in your usual memorized fashion.  You drink coffee out of your favorite mug and eat your customary breakfast cereal.  You put on the jacket you always wear and unconsciously zipped it up.

Next, you automatically drive to work along your accustomed, convenient route.  At work you do the familiar things that you have memorized how to do so well.  You see the same people, who push the same emotional buttons, which cause you to think the same thoughts about those people and your work and your life.

Later, you hurry up and go home, so you can hurry up and eat, so you can hurry up and watch your favorite TV shows, so you can hurry up and go to bed, so you can hurry up and do it all over again.

Has your brain changed at all that day?

Why are you secretly expecting something different to show up in your life, when you think the same thoughts, perform the same actions, and experience the same emotions every single day?

Isn’t that the definition of insanity?

All of us have fallen prey to this type of limited life, one time or another.  By now, you understand the reason why.

In the above hamster wheel example, it’s safe to say that you’re reproducing the same level of mind, every day.  And if the quantum world shows that the environment is an extension of your mind (and the mind and matter are one, remember E=MC2), then as long as you’re mind remains the same, your life will stay “status quo.”

Thus, if your environment remains the same and you react by thinking in the same way, then according to the quantum model or reality, shouldn’t you create more of the same?  Think of it this: the input remains the same, so the output has to remain the same.

How, then, can you ever create anything new?”

You can learn to create a new reality by following the guidelines in the book or, you can learn to create a new level of mind, thinking and reality by requesting your Introductory Consultation today.

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