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Quantum Consciousness And Human Potential – Part 1

Human potential is an interesting concept, even more so, how do we exceed our human potential.

I think one of the biggest aspects we need to consider is what limits we consciously or unconsciously put on ourselves. When we can think greater than our current state of being and think outside our limited view of potential we can then begin to move towards achieving our human potential and then exceeding it.

All this takes awareness, awareness of our limited beliefs and thinking.  We have been programmed to look at our human potential as being finite.

Well it’s time to change that!

We’re now going to upgrade your awareness, and look at the new consciousness from a quantum physics perspective. Not being a quantum scientist, I will make this as simple and as basic as possible. Here are the first five basic building blocks of Quantum Physics that you should know about:

1. We All Come From The Same Source

The Universe is made up of particles and waves. If we go back 13.7 billion years to the moment before the Big Bang, all of the particles in the known Universe were squished together into a single particle the size of a green pea. This means that you, me, your best friend and your worst enemy, were once a part of that same pea sized particle that gave birth to this expanding Universe.

The particles that make up the Universe are now separate and expanding, but energetically, we are all still linked. Everyone on this planet – all life and all physical existence – emerged from a single point of oneness and unity. We all come from and we are all still a part of one unified, quantum field of energy.

In 1944, Max Plank identified the existence of this Unified Field. He called it the Matrix. He believed that, underlying everything we can see, our bodies included, there’s an intelligent and conscious mind. Gregg Braden calls this The Divine Matrix. I call this Source. Others call it God. Whatever you call it, the Divine Matrix is much larger and infinitely more powerful than the Global Matrix that rules your material existence.

2. We’re All Connected

Gregg Braden tells this fascinating story: In 1997, there was a documented experiment in Geneva Switzerland, in which one sub-atomic particle of matter was split into two parts. The two parts were then separated. One half was sent seven miles in one direction and the other half was sent seven miles in the other direction. The two parts were now 14 miles apart. Scientists discovered that, although the two particles were separated physically, they were still connected energetically. When one particle was disturbed, the other particle responded, as if it was having the same experience. This tells us that, once matter is physically joined, even if it’s physically separated, it’s still connected energetically.

Why is this significant? Everything in the Universe was physically joined together in a single particle the size of a green pea 13.7 billion years ago. This means that, although you and I are now physically separated, we are still connected energetically.

All of us.

Our heart brains are also connected energetically to one another. Our heart brains are the

Satellite Dishes described on the 4DQ website. We are all in constant communication with one another, through the Divine Matrix, which acts as a collective heart brain.

We are all connected, in ways that we are only beginning to understand.

3. All Matter is Energy

Energy and matter are so deeply entangled, it is impossible to consider them as independent elements.”- Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief

Energy and matter are one and the same. E=MC2. But let’s take this one step further. The

Universe isn’t even solid. The Universe is mostly empty. We tend to think of space as empty and matter as solid. But in fact, there’s nothing solid about matter either. Matter is composed mostly of space. It’s completely unsubstantial.

Look inside an atom. You might think that an atom is a solid ball. But most of the atom is empty space. Certainly, you could say, the nucleus at the center of an atom is solid. But no, even the nucleus jumps in and out of existence, just as photons and electrons do. The most solid thing you can say about sub-atomic matter is, it’s composed of information. Sub-atomic particles are bits of data. Atoms aren’t things. They are only tendencies. All matter is energy and all energy is thought.

This is stunning information, because it forces each of us to reconsider what Reality really is.

Reality isn’t solid or concrete. Reality is particles and waves of light and information.

More than this, we aren’t solid or concrete either. We are made up of pure energy. We are concentrated waves of consciousness and light. If you can really feel and grasp this, it will change your life forever. On the quantum, microscopic level, you and I are pure light and information. This is what we are. You might say that we are spiritual beings first and physical beings second.

In the scene below, from the movie, “The Matrix”, Neo sees past the dense, physical world of the Matrix. What he sees is that everything is data and light. All matter is energy.

At this moment, Neo transcends the physical limitations of the Reality Grid we call the Global Matrix. Symbolically, he experiences a spiritual transformation. He no longer identifies with the temporal fears that define the physical world. Matter is no longer matter. Matter is data and light.

4. Energy is Information

“What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” – Morpheus, in the movie, The Matrix

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and perception. Your brain can’t tell the difference between what’s taking place “out there” in the physical environment and what’s taking place “in here”, within your mind. What’s happening within you creates what’s happening outside of you.

Scientific experiments have shown that, if we hook your brain up to a computer and ask you to close your eyes and imagine an object, the same area of your brain lights up, as if you were actually looking at that object. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between seeing with the eyes and imagining with the brain.

So, what is Reality? Is Reality what you’re imagining with your brain or is Reality what you’re seeing with your eyes? The truth is, the brain doesn’t know the difference between what it sees in its environment and what it remembers, because the same specific neural nets are firing.

More than this, everything you see, hear, smell, taste and touch is filtered through your brain and its Reality Constructs. Did you really see a rabbit come out of a hat? Did you really see a hijacked plane hit the world trade centers? What is real? What is perception? Perhaps hypnosis is far more common than any of us imagine. Media literacy takes on a whole new meaning, when filtered through quantum mechanics.

Your brain is an interpreter of information. Everything that your five senses take in from the world is filtered through your brain. So, what you are experiencing in this moment is not reality, but your brain’s interpretation of reality. Reality is what you believe you see.

This is intense stuff, when you really think about it. What you consider real isn’t necessarily real at all. It’s your brain interpreting Reality through the filter of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Reality is a projection that we are making, onto a unified field of Infinite possibilities.

This includes your emotional brain. If you are fearful that someone close to you is going to betray you, your emotional brain will behave as if you have already been betrayed. Your brain doesn’t know the difference. Because emotion is vibrational by nature, you will then send out a vibration that resonates with – and attracts – betrayal.

This is true for your reptilian brain as well. If, during the coming era, you imagine that you will be penniless, homeless or starving, your reptilian brain will react to this stimulus, as if your survival is threatened. Whether or not your survival is actually threatened isn’t important. If you live in a state of terror, panic or fear, your brain may behave as if your life is threatened.

By the same token, if you really believe that infinite possibilities and opportunities are in front of you, your heart brain will resonate with the joy of unlimited possibility. Understanding these principles inside and out, can change your Reality Constructs during the coming era.

5. Thoughts Become Forms

“The new physics tells us that matter is no more than a state of information.” – J. Robert Oppenheimer

We have established that all matter is energy and that energy is information. What does this mean? This means that all matter is ultimately data. You are living in a world that has been generated by the constructs of your own mind. Everything that you think of as real is only a holographic projection of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

Information creates form. In fact, everything is “information coding”. Whether you call it cancer, success, a nose or a chair, it’s still information coding. Healing is the transformation of information. Healing is the re-coding of information. This is beautifully illustrated by the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Since 1999, Dr. Emoto has published several collections of photographs called Messages from Water. Because water is the most receptive of the four elements, Dr. Emoto figured that water might respond to thoughts.

So Dr. Emoto printed out words and then he taped the various words to bottles filled with distilled water. He left the bottled water out overnight. He then photographed the water with a dark field microscope the next day.

The first word used was the Japanese word for “thank you”. The result was the formation of a beautiful crystal structure. The bottle labeled “You make me sick. I want to kill you.” produced a murky yellow sample that resembled pond scum. When you give your thought to something, you alter its molecular structure. Your conscious and unconscious thoughts are creating the Universe that you’re sitting on.

Thoughts become form. Does this mean that you can change a chair into a table with your thoughts? Does this mean that you can change iron into gold, by believing you can? We are only beginning to understand these principles. But we do know this: 90% of your body is water. Water is the most receptive of the four elements.

We know that body fluids are altered by thought. This is clear when you are upset and you get an acid stomach. How does a thought create acid? Studies also show that house plants grow better when their owners express loving thoughts towards them. How far you can take this is anyone’s guess.

The hard science of how our thoughts affect water molecules is unknown. But if thoughts can alter the molecular form of water, imagine what our thoughts are doing to our bodies every day.

Next week I’ll finish up with this.  In the meantime I go over this subject in more detail in Develop The Mental Strength of a Warrior.

You are your biggest supporter.

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