Check Readiness

Guest Post



Power, Purpose and Passion

Part of my coaching is to help individuals align and develop their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strength.  I believe that when this is accomplished a person and authentically live in their power, purpose and passion.

Many of my Wednesday post have been about providing information for contemplation on achieving your personal success and living your purpose with passion.

In following up from yesterday’s post I’d like to share a post from Jon Gordon  that speaks to purpose.


I met Leonard on a plane to somewhere when he told me about a time when his life was going nowhere.

He told me how six months earlier, at the age of fifty-four, he lost his job at a Fortune 500 company. He thought his life and business career were finished. No one is going to hire a fifty-four year old sales professional, he frequently told himself. Each day he grew more fearful, pessimistic and depressed.

Then one day while taking a walk of sadness along the beach he thought of his twenty year old son and it occurred to him…

If I give up now, what lesson am I teaching my son?

If I don’t overcome my challenges, my son will learn to let his challenges overcome him.

I need to show my son that even though Dad was knocked down, that he can get back up… so when life knocks him down he’ll know that he can get back up too.

Fueled with a bigger purpose to show his son that he could get back up after being knocked down, Leonard dusted off his resume, called friends and colleagues in his industry and reached out to various companies letting them know he was back in the game.

His positive beliefs lead to powerful actions. Instead of waiting to be fed like a goldfish, he became a shark and went in search of food.

Over a three month period, Leonard’s actions lead to a number of interview opportunities and four job offers. Yes, four offers!!

Now he is with a company that appreciates his knowledge, experience, and talents. He reports directly to the President, and his future is brighter than ever.

Leonard is a testament that if you think your best days are behind you, they are… and if you think your best days are ahead of you, they are.

Positive beliefs lead to powerful actions.

How about you? Have you been knocked down? Is your company going through changes? Are you dealing with change at work and in life? Have you been feeling sorry for yourself?

I want to encourage you to think of Leonard and remind yourself that regardless of the adversity you face, your purpose must be greater than your challenges. Instead of focusing on your problems, focus on your purpose. Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, see yourself as a hero. Heroes and victims both get knocked down but heroes get back up, and armed with optimism and a greater purpose they create a positive future. “

I hope this guest post help you in developing the mental strength to push through any adversity and live with power, purpose and passion.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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