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Mental Strength



Personal Success Through Concentration

The mentally weak person asks, “How can I get anything by merely thinking about it?”

Through the mental strength skill of concentration you can get anything you want. Every desire can be fulfilled. Success depends upon you completely concentrating your mental energy for that desire to be realized.

Simply wishing for personal success will not bring it. Wishing for something shows a mental weakness and not a mental strength belief that you WILL really get it. Stop wishing about something and start concentrating on it, you use up just as much brain force in vain wishing as you do when you focus of something worth while.

Be careful of your personal goals and desires, make a vivid mental representation of what you want, set your will and take action, until it materializes. Never allow yourself to drift without helm or rudder. Know what you want to do at all times, and endeavor with all your mental strength to do it, and you will succeed.

You must feel that you can accomplish anything you take on. Many start, but soon feel they’re going to fail and usually you know what?  They do.

This is the power of concentrating, being about to achieve your personal goals and personal success.  Remember, your soul is a center of all-power, and you can accomplish anything that you set your Will to do.

“I’ll find a way or make one!”  This is the type of attitude that wins.

The “P” Button

There’s a story of a man who is now head of a large bank. He started there as a messenger boy. His father had a button made for him with a “P” on it and put it on his coat. He said, “Son, that ‘P’ is a reminder that some day you are to be the president of your bank.

I want you to keep this thought in your mind. Every day do something that will put you nearer your goal.” Each night after supper he would say, “Son, what did you do today?” In this way the thought was always kept in mind.

He concentrated on becoming president of that bank, and he did. His father told him never to tell anyone what that “P” stood for. A good deal of fun was made of it by his associates. And they tried to find out what it stood for, but they never did until he was made president and then he told the secret.

Wishes Drain You

Don’t waste your mental strength on wishes. Don’t scatter your energies by trying to satisfy every thought and whim. Concentrate on doing something really worth while, something that means something to you. Something that will make you live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

The person sticks to something is the person that “wins.”

Power to him who power exerts.” – Emerson

Your Personal Force

Personal success today depends mainly in the mental strength skill of focusing on the Interior law of force, when you do, you awaken those powers and forces, which, when used with concentration will all but ensure personal success.

Until you are able to do this you haven’t reached your potential in the use of your personal forces. The Universe is interwoven with myriads of forces, using these forces for the achievement of your personal goals and personal success is all up to you.

Through the Indestructible and Unconquerable Law’s of the Universe you can accomplish anything you want!  S, don’t  be afraid to go after what you really desire, be courageous and be willing to pay for in effort.

Follow Your Purpose

Anything that is right and “ecological” (good for me, others and community) is possible. That which is necessary will inevitably take place.

If something is right it is your duty…your obligation to do it, even if the whole world doesn’t agree with you.

That “right something” is your purpose.  You purpose comes from a Higher Source than your consciousness and you can’t fight it.  Oh sure you may try to fight it, but you’ll still feel it deep down inside…that calling to be a great person, by living a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

Don’t just say “I wish I was a great person”, you can do anything that is aligned with your purpose, vision and mission.

Simply affirm to yourself “I can…I must…I will!”

Just realize that the rest is easy. You have the latent resources and forces to tame any mind gremlins that try to interfere with your plans.

If you’re not sure of your purpose, I suggest looking at “The Warriors Quest – a Journey for Personal Meaning and Fulfillment.”  Find out more by going HERE NOW

Or checkout the Youtube video I made on The Warriors Quest here:

Start developing you power of concentration and enroll in “Warrior Mind Fundamentals” today.  This online training program will teach and give you the mental strength foundation to take back control of your thoughts.  Take a look at this unique and powerful program HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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