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Mental Strength



Personal Success Is Not An Accident

On my e-mails and in the banner on my blog is my quote:

“Success in life is not a matter of chance; it’s about managed emotions, focused attention and deliberate action.”

In case you haven’t realized this yet…you are an original – a one of a kind.  You are a masterpiece, with an unprecedented opportunity to create and become what ever you desire!

You have self-empowerment!

The knowledge, tools, and insights to reach your personal goals and personal success are all around you and completely available. The path ahead of you can be both exhilarating and frightening, but as a warrior you know the way to personal success is no accident.

Tommy Newbury, in “Success Is Not An Accident“, provides simple, straightforward and workable strategies and tactics to not only achieve personal success, but to also thrive, especially in a dynamic and chaotic world.  No one plans to be average; mediocrity is the result of lack of a plan and lack of mental strength.

You choose where you go, and who you become.

Most often these choices are made unconsciously.  By consciously changing you’re thoughts and choices, you change your life…this is true self-empowerment and it’s one way in how to feel good about yourself and your life.

Personal success is absolutely predictable.  This is a “cause and effect” world.  Unwavering principles govern every area of your life.  By focusing on the basics you purposely create your own success.  As Emerson once said, ‘By law and not by luck, what one sows one reaps.’

Tommy offers seven important lessons to allow you experience self-empowerment and to take back control of your life.  The first is the challenge to choose your success.  Ultimately personal success is measured at the end by you – you must use your mental strength, work hard, never give up and know what success means to you.

The essence of success is to do or become something worthwhile while enriching the lives of others.  You have to define what personal success means for you…no one can or should do this for you.  To “know” where you are headed is to be in accordance with the Universal Law.

You are pure potential.  You are meant to succeed.  There are no excuses.  There are no justifiable reasons.  You have no one to convince and no one to blame, just yourself.

This world is an action oriented world.  You have to be willing to act; you have to be willing to do what others won’t.  Don’t wait to feel like taking action – take action so your feelings will change.

As you walk your path in life you are constantly in the process of becoming.  Are you becoming by purposeful design or by the winds of fate?  Are you in control and experiencing self-empowerment or are you constantly in a sate of reaction to what ever life presents?

You must have a clear vision of the person you are becoming and what you aspire to.  You will always create something – why not make it astonishing.  Define your dream – create it in vivid detail.  The more splendid the dream, the more motivation it will inspire and require.  Nothing in life is free; every effect has a cause.  You must cause your personal dream to become a reality and yes…there will be a price to pay.

What are you willing to sacrifice to get yours?

Motivation is an internal energy of thoughts and emotions and the real energy of achievement is in the doing…in taking action.

You need to write down simple, clear, compelling and inspiring personal goals.  These goals will serve as a stable reference to keep the energy of action moving in the right direction.  Setting goals takes mental strength and skill.  It is not simply making a wish list, like what the average person does.  Creating and setting goals takes time, thought and intention. Defining your goals will create the sense of self-empowerment and you will assume complete and total responsibility for achieving them.

Live intentionally.  Decide if your intention to achieve magnificent and abundant success or just to avoid catastrophic failure.

Believe me, your intention and decision does matter!

Managing time is an illusion, you actually mange yourself and your focus.  You can’t make more time, only better choices on how to use the time you have.  Deliberately manage yourself so as to enhance the quality and balance of your life.  You need the right aim and deliberate focus.  If you want to make a better life, first make yourself “better.” Learn how to develop and reinforce successful habits, this is the essence of self-empowerment.

Work on changing limiting beliefs.  Minimize the use of unsupportive thoughts and words.  Completely eradicate any negative thoughts.  Condition yourself for success.

Remember every effect has a cause.  Create only good causes – things that advance you toward your personal goal.  Think about and focus on producing positive results.  Use your mental strength and gain control of your thoughts in challenging situations and then acknowledge every single task you accomplish.

You will become self-empowered and free only when you are in charge of your own script.

Discipline your mind.  Positive results follow positive mental pictures.  Your subconscious mind is your “co-creator” in your long-term success.  Feed your subconscious with empowering and vibrant images of your goal: who you are becoming and where you are headed.  Visualize “as if” you have arrived – as if you have achieved your goal.

Life is a constant manipulation of energy.  To optimize your performance adopt a healthy, energetic lifestyle.  Neglect is the silent killer so set aside specific time to care for yourself.

Health and fitness are essential components of a successful life.  Start with your attitude.  Exercise regularly.  Control stress.  Eat healthy and rest adequately.  The more energy you have, the more energy you can direct toward fulfilling your goals.

You change tomorrow by what you do today.  Make the right choice.  Focus on a worthwhile target – something challenging, something thrilling, something doable – then make it happen.  Life is rich with choices.  Choose to succeed.  Success is not an accident!

Get started today on becoming self-employed and feeling good about the life your are creating and living by requesting your Introductory Consultation by going HERE

You are your biggest supporter.

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