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OODA, Information Processing and Mental Strength

In the next few posts I’m  going to take a look at the OODA model from a different perspective and see how mental strength training can assist a tactical athlete understand and utilize this model for effectively.

Tactical athletes in many environments, especially mission critical domains, operate under the principle of the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide and Act) loop, either due to formal training or purely due to innate and intuitive behaviors that drive them in that direction.

The OODA is a process of tactical decision-making in dynamic and constantly evolving situations. The OODA loop is:

  • Observation: the collection of data by means of the senses
  • Orientation: the analysis and synthesis of data to form a mental perspective
  • Decision: the determination of a course of action based on current mental perspective –hypothesizing the best course of action based on past experiences, current events and anticipation of the future
  • Action: the implementing & physical playing-out of decisions

Each step carries its own weight of importance and by taking a look at each step we can understand the cascading effect that each has on the last step- Action and the overall outcome

Today let’s look at the Observation step.

Observation – The Sensor Processing Systems:

Sensory processing system serves as the input to accomplish the “Observe” element of the OODA loop. This is accomplished via all our sensory inputs visual, auditory, tactual, olfactory, kinesthetic and gustatory.

Sensory processing is a complex set of actions that enable the brain to understand what is going on both inside your own body and in the world around you.  With the amount of data we are bombarded with every second how does out brain know what give attention to and what to ignore?

I’m going to introduce the basic concepts about sensory processing so that you can use this information when exploring further the OODA model.

Let’s start with the basic idea of Sensory Processing.

First you must understand the difference between Sensory Processing and Sensory Acuity. Sensory acuity is the actual physical ability of the sensory organs to receive input, while sensory processing is the ability to interpret the information the brain has received.

We address acuity needs with devices such as glasses, binoculars, scopes and listening devices, when applicable. We address processing needs with changes in activities, instructions, environments, practice and mental strength training.

Your brain has a lot of work to do throughout the day. There is a continuous flow of information available from all the sensory systems, and the brain must sort through the information, prioritize and emphasize components, to decide both how to understand what is going on and to decide what you will do based on the information available.

In fact there is so much information in order to handle it all our brain does one or all of the following with the information:

  • Distort
  • Generalize
  • Delete

When we were beginning to look at sensory processing, we find that there were two primary factors that contributed to our understanding of the overall concept of sensory processing.

The first factor to consider is neurological thresholds, or the way the nervous system responds to sensory input.

Factor One – Neurological Thresholds

Neurological thresholds refer to the amount of stimuli required for a neuron or neuron system to respond. When the nervous system responds really quickly to a sensory stimulus, we say there is a low threshold and when the nervous system responds more slowly than expected, we say there is a high threshold for responding.

All of us need a balance between low and high thresholds so that we notice just enough things to keep aware and attentive, but not so many things that we become overloaded with information and feel distracted.

At the extreme ends of the neurological threshold are habituation (related to high thresholds) and sensitization (related to low thresholds).

Habituation refers to the process of recognizing familiar stimuli that do not require additional attention (Dunn, 2000). Habituation is essential to be able to focus attention on the activity at hand. Without this process a tactical athlete would be constantly distracted by the variety of stimuli that are present in the environment.

Sensitization is the process that enhances the awareness of important stimuli. It is significant to development because it allows a tactical athlete to remain attentive to the environment while engaged in the event.

The ability to modulate (organize/ balance information from all sources) responses of the nervous system (i.e., balance between habituation and sensitization) permits a tactical athlete to generate appropriate responses to stimuli in the environment

Factor Two – Self-regulation Strategies

The second factor to consider is self-regulation strategies that a person uses; these may be associated with your temperament and personality.

Self-regulation strategies are the ways that people manage the input that is available to them.

There are a range of behavioral responses to sensory input that reflect an individuals’ self-regulation strategy. At one end of this continuum are passive self-regulation strategies, in which the person lets sensory events occur.

Passive self-regulation can mean that persons miss things, or feel overtaken by things that are happening around them.

For example, a person with passive self-regulation might miss the visual input of facial expressions or gestures during interrogation.

Conversely, a person with passive self-regulation might notice everyone fidgeting in the immediate area, and this input could compete with the critical information at hand.

At the other end of this continuum are active self-regulation strategies; people with active strategies select and engage in behaviors to control their own sensory experiences. Active self-regulation can yield more or less sensory input.

For example, a person might hum during an engagement to add sensory input to keep attentive to the situation. Conversely, a person might move to a quiet area before engagement as a means of controlling auditory input to increase concentration.

Both passive and active strategies for self-regulation can be useful and helpful to the person, or can interfere with the ability to participate in their activates..


Within this perspective, we talk about responsiveness to refer to the way that you respond to demands of your career and life.

Many things can affect your responsiveness, including the demands of an activity, the characteristics of environments or the way that a person’s self-regulation strategies affect daily life.

When your nervous system is responding too much, it’s called hyper-responsive (or over-responsive), and when you are responding too little, it’s called hypo-responsive (or under responsive). We all have times when we are hyper-responsive or hypo-responsive; it is only when an extreme response interferes with your duties that this needs to be addressed.

When you look at the relationship between neurological thresholds and self-regulation strategies, we can identify four basic patterns of responding to sensory events in everyday life. Let’s look at each one in turn; you can look at the diagram below to see how they fit together.

Sensation Seeking is the combination of high neurological thresholds and an active self-regulation strategy.

Sensation Seeking refers to a pattern of sensory processing that is characterized by high sensory thresholds and an active self-regulation strategy (Dunn, 1997); when people have sensation seeking patterns of sensory processing, they enjoy and generate extra sensory input for themselves.

Individuals who have Sensation Seeking patterns are very active, continuously engaging and excitable.

It is thought that these individuals are engaging in active strategies to increase input as a means to meet high thresholds. Sensation seeking becomes a problem when seeking behaviors keep the person from continuing in a desired activity.

When a person has difficulty with sensation seeking, interventions are directed at providing more opportunities for the desired sensory input within daily life activities.

Low Registration is the combination of high neurological thresholds and a passive self-regulation strategy.

Low registration refers to a pattern of sensory processing that is characterized by high sensory thresholds and a passive self-regulation strategy (Dunn, 1997); when people have a low registration pattern of sensory processing, they notice sensory stimuli much less than others.

People who have low registration patterns seem uninterested, self-absorbed and sometimes dull in effect. They do not notice what is going on around them, and miss cues that might guide their behaviors.

It is thought that most events in daily life for these individuals do not contain a sufficient amount of intensity to meet their thresholds; their passive strategies lead to them being somewhat oblivious to activities.

When a person has low registration patterns, interventions are directed at increasing the intensity of sensory input to improve the chances for noticing and responding to environmental demands.

Sensation Avoiding is the combination of low neurological thresholds and an active self-regulation strategy.

Sensation Avoiding refers to a pattern of sensory processing that is characterized by low sensory thresholds and an active self-regulation strategy (Dunn, 1997); when people have a sensation avoiding pattern of sensory processing, they are bothered by input more than others.

Individuals who have sensation avoiding patterns are rule bound, ritual driven and uncooperative. They engage in behaviors to limit the sensory input they must deal with.

It’s thought that these individuals limit sensory opportunities because unfamiliar sensory input is difficult to understand and organize, or might even be”threatening” to the nervous system. Rituals behavior provides a high rate of familiar sensory input, while simultaneously limiting the possibility of unfamiliar input.

When a person has sensation avoiding patterns, interventions are directed at making input less available, so that the person does not become overwhelmed and want to withdraw from participation in everyday life.

Sensory Sensitivity is the combination of low neurological thresholds and a passive self-regulation strategy.

Sensory sensitivity refers to a pattern of sensory processing that is characterized by low sensory thresholds and a passive self-regulation strategy (Dunn, 1997); when people have a sensory sensitivity pattern of sensory processing, they detect more input than others.

It is thought that these individuals have low thresholds that enable them to have a high rate of noticing what is going on around them. These individuals use passive strategies in that they allow things to happen and comment rather than removing themselves (as a Sensation Avoider is likely to do).

When a person has sensory sensitivity patterns, interventions are directed at providing more structured input, so that the person does not become overwhelmed in everyday life.

In addition to considering these patterns of sensory processing, a tactical athlete should also consider how each of your sensory systems responds. You probably won’t have the same responses with each sensory system. For example, you might have sensitivity for sounds, and yet not notice visual or touch stimuli.

Although we might identify with one pattern of sensory processing, the truth is that each person has an amount of each pattern of sensory processing. You might see yourself as primarily a sensation seeker, and still have some sensitivity to certain sensations.

For example, you might really enjoy movement, visual experiences and textures, and be very sensitive to sounds. It is understanding your own patterns and the patterns of your teammates that is helpful.

I hope you can see how the perceived simple act of Observation is actually much more than “seeing.”

By noticing what effects and filters the flow of information, a tactical athlete can make changes, through mental strength training in his/her “filtering system” to become more efficient and effective at their job.


  • Miller, L. & Lane, S. (2000). Toward a Consensus in terminology in sensory integration theory and practice: part 1: taxonomy of neurophysiological processes. Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly (23:2), American Occupational Therapy Association, Rockville Maryland.
  • Dunn, W. (2001). The sensations of everyday life: theoretical, conceptual and pragmatic considerations. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55, 608-620.
  • Dunn, W. (1997). The impact of sensory processing abilities on the daily lives of young children and their families: a conceptual model. Infants and Young Children, 9(4), 23-35.
  • Kandel, E., Schwartz, J. & Jessell, T. (2000). Principles of Neural Science, fourth edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.
  • Coren, S., Ward, L, & Enns, J. (1994). Sensation and Perception. Harcourt Brace College Publications. Fort Worth.
  • (Baranek & Berkson, 1994; Dunn, 1997a) (Dunn, 1994, 2000; McIntosh, Miller, Shyu, & Hagerman, 1999; Wilbarger, 1995)

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