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Mental Strength



Now Is Your Point of Power

You can change the representation of your life at any time if only you realize that it is simply one portrayal that you have created from an unlimited amount of probable ones. The peculiar aspect of your own probable reality will still be characteristic of you, and no other.

The abilities, strengths and modifications that you may want to manifest are already latent, inside you and always at your disposal. Suppose that you are unhealthy and desire health. If you understand the nature of probabilities, you will not need to “pretend” to ignore your present situation. You will recognize it instead as a probable reality that you recognize that you have a healthy and well body that has physically materialized. Taking that for granted, you will then begin the process necessary to bring a different probability into physical experience.

You will do this by concentrating upon what you want.  Do not, and you will not, feel any conflict between what you desire and your current condition. This is because one will not contradict the other; each will be seen as a reflection of your belief. As it took some time to build up your current self with its unhealthy aspects, so it may take time to change that representation. And by concentrating on the present unhealthy situation will only prolong it.

Each condition is as real or unreal as the other.

Which you?

Which world?

You have your choice, broadly, within certain parameters that you have chosen as a part of your existence. The past as you think of it, has little to do with your present experience outside of your beliefs about them. The past contains for each of us some moments of joy, strength, creativity and splendor, as well as episodes of unhappiness, despair perhaps, turmoil and cruelty.

Your present belief will act like a magnet, activating all such past issues, happy or sad. You will choose from your previous experience all of those events that reinforce your conscious beliefs, and so ignore those that do not; the latter may even seem to be nonexistent.

These percolating memories will then turn on the body mechanisms, merging past and present in some kind of harmonious out-picturing. This means that the pieces will fit together whether they are joyful or not.

This joining of the past and present, in this context, predisposes you to similar future events, for you have geared yourself for them. That is your past informs your preset which creates your future.

Changing your point of attention alters both the past and the future. For you, because of your neurological organization, the present is obviously the only point from which past and future can be changed, or when actions can take place.

This is not metaphor or speaking symbolically. In the most precise terms, your past and future are modified by your present reactions. Alterations occur within the body. Circuits within the nervous system are changed, and energies that you do not understand seek out new connections on much deeper levels far beyond consciousness. Your present beliefs govern the actualization of events.

Creativity and experience are being formed moment by moment by you. You must understand that your present is the point at which flesh and matter meet with the spirit.

Therefore the present is your point of power!

If you assign greater force to the past, then you will feel ineffective and deny yourself your own energy.

For an exercise, sit with your eyes wide open, looking about you, and realize that this moment represents the point of your power, through which you can affect both past and future events.

The present seen before you, with its personal physical experience, is the result of action in other such presents. Don’t be intimidated therefore by the past or the future. There is no need at all for undesirable aspects of your current reality to be projected into the future, unless you use the power of the present to do so.

If you learn to get hold of this feeling of power now, you can use quite effectively to alter your life situation in whatever way you choose – again, within those limitations set by your beliefs and current physical condition. If you were born without a limb, for example, your power in the present cannot automatically regenerate it in this life, although in other systems of reality you do possess that limb.

If you’d like to go deeper in this philosophy pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today.

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