Can Nootropics Improve Muscle Mass?
Are you tired of a skinny physic? Almost everyone loves to have a fit and sexy body. There is nothing wrong with being skinny or thin, but you can always decide to upgrade yourself. You don’t need to be bulky to be physically fit. You just need to make sure that you are storing muscles not fats. There are many ways to gain muscle mass such as exercise, yoga, or Zumba. It is all up to you but believe it or not, your body needs help.
How Nootropics Can Improve Performance
Nootropics are also referred as ‘smart drugs’ or ‘cognitive enhancers’. They may come as drugs, supplements, or in its natural forms such as herbs and spices; pulverized or dried. This kind of supplement was famous in the Eastern part of the world even before the revolution in food supplement occurred. Since it is a cognitive enhancer, it helps you enhance your memory and mood.
Reduced Stress Levels
Smart drugs can reduce your stress level because of its mood enhancing the property. Reduced stress levels can help your muscles become more relaxed and accept body movements such as exercise and the likes. Too much stress does not only mentally and emotionally affect you; it also gives a negative effect on your physical aspect. Muscles become more tensed making you prone to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Improved Sociability
Improving your muscle mass means improving your physical appearance, altogether it will improve your self-esteem. Taking smart drugs as a complement to your exercise can speed up the improvement of your body. Sometimes, you have the feeling of not wanting people around you; this is because you are under anxiety. Unconsciously you tend to compare yourself with other people, and you tend to find your negative spot and compare it to other people’s positive spots. These anxiety attacks are mostly felt by people who visit the gym. You can never avoid comparing yourself but instead of making yourself bad, make it as a challenge to refine yourself better. A good nootropic for this is aniracetam.
Increased Motivation
It is always helpful to be motivated. However, the question is; “Where will you get your motivation from?” Smart drugs can help you stay motivated throughout the day. Emotional motivation should come along with physical motivation. The best supplements for you to take to stay motivated on making yourself gain muscle masses are Phenylpiracetam and Modafinil. Phenylpiracetam increases your stamina and endurance. Longer endurance in exercise or activities that will help you gain muscle mass is a must to achieve what you want. Modafinil increases awareness and improves wakefulness making you less drowsy not just on your workout session but throughout the day.
Increased Focus
When you are on your exercise schedule, the last thing you want is your mind to be busy thinking nonsense thoughts. If you want to improve your muscle mass, you should always be focused and determined on what you want to achieve. Alpha GPC can enhance production of growth hormone which is a good help for your muscle to gain mass. It also increases your cognitive power to think straight and improves your focus on one thing at a time.
Burning of Excessive Fats
Muscles sprout when fats are burned. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a supplement that can help you burn more fats. Because of this supplement, your body burns more of the stored fats rather than the glucose in your body. This will result in a boost on your energy level.
Maintain Balanced Diet and Drink Plenty of Fluids to avoid Side Effects
Never put yourself in the extreme. If you want to improve your muscle mass, make sure to observe proper limits and precautions because everything you take may have side effects. Remember that you need to have a well-balanced diet in order to continue improving your muscles. Drink plenty of fluids, mostly natural water, to replenish your lost fluids and avoid dehydration.