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Mental Strength



NLP Training Day 4

Mouvements oculaires en PNL
Image via Wikipedia

Each day gets better and better…there are so many amazing shifts and breakthroughs with everyone!

On Day 4 of our NLP Training we continued with anchors and utilized chaining anchors.

Chaining anchors can be used to bring yourself from a negative state that you usually feel to a positive one. For example you procrastinate and want to experience motivation. By chaining anchors, you can chain the state of motivation, so that the next time you begin to procrastinate, you’ll instead be motivated and get things accomplished.

You can see the power in this can’t you?

In chaining anchors, you use intermediate states to get to the target state.  That is, you would use procrastination as your initial, then for the second anchor you might use boredom.  Then for the third anchor you’d use a more empowering state like passion.  Then the final (or desired) state, motivation would be used.

Once you have all the anchors set you sequencly fire each one off.  I’m not going to go in the specific process here and wouldn’t you like to be motivated all the time? 

Image how much you could get accomplished!

In the afternoon we moved on to Strategies.

This was so cool! 

You see everybody has their own unique unconscious strategy (way of doing something).  These processes range from how we buy something to how we fall in love. 

The great thing about Strategies is that if there is an element missing in your strategy you may not be getting your desired results, i.e. buying too much, not finding the right person, or even not learning as effectively as you’d like.

Once you know your Strategy you can modify it to get the results you want.

To help understand Strategies better here’s a brief explanation.

STRATEGY: A sequence of thought processes to obtain an outcome; What someone does to obtain a desired outcome using the distinctions of a Model, is a strategy. The strategy is not part of the model; it is a strategy for using the model. A strategy may not work as well for some people as it does for others. This is the reason why often there are many different strategies for using the same model and therefore many different techniques that get equivalent results.

When you want to model excellence from someone else, using their strategy is very helpful and important.

There are two ways to elicit a person strategy….oh by the way; you can’t elicit your own strategy….the process moves too fast.   You have to have someone else do it for you.

The first way is asking by questions that pertain to the strategy, i.e. buying, and watching the person eye movements.   The eye movement will give a rough map of how that person makes their buying decisions.

If you’re in sales…can you see how helpful this technique would be?

NLP is a “do with” process and not a “do to”, so this is a tool to assist with change.  The important thing to remember is that the individual is 100% responsible for their own results.  Just like any tool, i.e. a hammer, screwdriver, etc the tool is at the mercy of the person using it.  The same goes for NLP….there is no red pill to instantly fix yourself and give yourself personal empowerment and increase your personal performance, but NLP comes the closest.

If you’d like to find more about NLP please visit

Also, I’d like to hear from you about your experience with NLP or your  thoughts on this post in the comments below.

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