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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Training for Peak Performance at DeLuca’s

I wanted to follow-up my announcement as the Dir. of Mental Strength and Conditioning at Deluca’s Sport Performance in Melbourne, Fl.

Not only will we be offer a on-site 12 week program for the development of mental strength in sports, but will be also be offering this as a residential intensive program delivered over 3 packed full days.

Mental strength is required to be successful in sports.  If being good in any sport were easy, you when it needs mental strength.  And, as you know, excelling at a sport requires weeks, months, and years of hard work.  Without mental strength, you won’t be able to pursue sports for years on end.  They’re just too difficult and require too much hard work, persistence, and resilience.

Mental strength has a direct relationship to your confidence.  As your mental strength rises, so does your confidence.  These two qualities feed off each other and can make you a great athlete or block you from doing your best.

The greatest tool an athlete has is the mind.  The brain-the wonderful organ that regulate your breathing, controls your beating heart, and manages the rest your body-is at the core of all successful sports performance.

Everybody knows that talent and physical skill play an anonymous role in every athlete success, but not many people understand the importance of the mind and how we use it.  In fact, your mind is one of the most powerful pieces of sports equipment you’ll ever own.  It can make you or break you.

What Are the Benefits?

Just as physical training strengthens the body, mental strength training provides the conditioning to fortify the mind.

Mental strength training can help you to:

•     Attention/Focus Control – Learn to identify what is most important. This will help you decide when it is more appropriate to shift your focus from the “big” picture (broad), to something more specific (narrow). Learn how to stay focused amidst distractions and maintain focus on the task at hand.

•     Confidence Building – Optimism is an asset that looks at both successes and setbacks to increase energy and enthusiasm. Learning how to optimistically perceive a situation increases our chances for success. Learn how confidence develops, how to build or improve confidence, and learn to retain or regain it in the face of adversity.

•     Energy Management – Discover your optimal level of energy to perform at your best.  By using more-effective breathing and thought processes, you will:  get into your ideal performance state, restore energy at a rapid rate, and recover from injuries at a much faster rate.

•     Imagery – Improve all aspects of performance through practical application of mental imagery techniques.  Because the mind thinks in images, this process uses the idea of envisioning success before it happens.  Creating a mental rehearsal or blueprint in your mind conditions yourself to react to a situation before it actually happens.

•     Mental Skills Foundation – Find out the how’s and why’s of the mind, its relationship in both assisting us to perform better and its role in inhibiting performance. Think about the choices we make and how we can influence them. Thoughts influence feelings or emotions, feelings or emotions influence behavior; learn to use effective thoughts to increase chances for success.

•     Goal    Setting    –    A    seven-step process that incorporates motivational aspects to achieving goals. Learn how to establish goals and stick to them. Learn how to break goals down into bite-sized pieces and build-in aids and statements to assist in success.

Other Benefits

The mental strength skills you’ll learn will not only help you as a competitive athlete, they will also help you in the other areas of your life such as:

  • Educational
  • Social
  • Relationship
  • Leadership
  • Financial
  • Spiritual

Performance Enhancement

Performance enhancement is the deliberate cultivation of an effective perspective on achievement and the systematic use of effective cognitive skills.   A competitive athlete can maximize performance by mastering thinking habits and emotional and physical states.  These training methods, derived from applied sport psychology used in training professional and Olympic athletes, are also applicable in other human-performance contexts.

Using the mind’s power to find a competitive edge has become an indispensable element in training modern athletes.  Athletic Transformation is similar in many respects to personal development, but no physical facility or group of trainers existed to train the mental science of peak performance…until now.

The Mental Strength and Conditioning department at DeLuca’s offers group, individual and team training.

When you think about what athletes have to do to be successful in their sports, you realize how important strength is – you put your body through all kinds of challenges to succeed.  But did you realize that mental strength is every bit as important?

Mental strength encompasses:

  • Resilience and the ability to bounce back or deal with adversity
  • Motivation to do your best, regardless of the situation
  • The ability to stay focused on the task at hand during important competitive moments
  • The ability to remain poised when the pressure is on during competition

We’re here to tell you that mental strength is something you can develop, just as you develop your athletic skills and talents.

For more information about mental strength training for sports and life Contact Me or Deluca’s Sport Performance.

You are your biggest supporter.

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