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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #88 – Negotiating and Personal Success

Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!

Achieving personal success and reaching your personal goals begins with a mental strength mindset of empowering beliefs.

Reaching your personal goals and personal success starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.

This is one in a series of virtual success coaching and mental strength tips to help kick-start your week.  It is intended to enthuse and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one mental strength tips and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct success coaching questions.  The intention of this virtual success coaching session is for you to write and answer these questions in your success journal and then reflect on them to gain insight on yourself, your dreams and what’s holding you back.

These series of posts are for YOU!  If I’m not able to success coach you personally then I highly recommend picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” It’s a book that will take you through the exact process to take back control of your thoughts so that you can live a life a power, purpose and passion with perseverance!

You can your copy now by going HERE.

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To help you understand that to reach your personal goals and achieve personal success that only win-win deals are negotiated.

Let’s Get Started:

According to Wikipeda negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of two people/parties involved in negotiation process.

Mental strength negotiation is slightly different.  It is the process where each party involved in negotiating tries to come up with a win-win solution that does not take advantage of either party.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • Who are the smartest negotiators you know and why?
  • Are the best negotiators more ego or spirit driven?
  • How do you know when you’ve succeeded in a negation?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Negotiation

  • The person who gets the best deal wins.
  • The negotiator who makes the most money wins.
  • The best negotiator are shrewd, crafty and not to be trusted.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Negotiation

  • No one wins a negotiation unless everyone wins.
  • The best negotiators are spirit driven.
  • The smartest negotiators always do the right thing for all parties involved.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Do you always negotiate win-win deal whenever possible?
  • Are your thoughts during a negation rooted in fear and scarcity or love and abundance?
  • Are you afraid to help the party you’re negotiating with gets what they want?
    • If so, what are you afraid of?

Reflective Questions:

  • Would your friends, family and co-workers or clients say you’re a mental strength negotiator and always interested in a win-win deal?
  • What would you have to believe in order to negotiate from a mindset of love and abundance?
  • What makes you feel good after a long negotiation?

Mental Strength Coaching:

The average person thinking is always afraid that someone is out to take advantage of them.  Even though this is sometimes true, it has nothing to do you developing a mental strength negation mindset.

My job here as your virtual mental strength and success coach is to help you realize that operation from love and abundance is always in your best interest, even though it may not always is obvious.

Win-win negotiating is another opportunity to help you raise your level of awareness and transcend your fear-based thinking.

Final Thought

Coaching you to negotiate win-win deals has almost nothing to do with the art of negating.  This virtual success coaching session is to encourage you to use your mind and direct your mental strength energy toward a mutually favorable outcome.  Win-win negotiating is an effect and the cause is mental strength things based in love, understanding and abundance.

“If you come to a negotiation table saying you have the final truth, that you know nothing but the truth and that is final, you will get nothing.” – Harri Holkeri

Get started today on creating this shift in your thinking and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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