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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #87 – Mistakes And Personal Success

Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!

Achieving personal success and reaching your personal goals begins with a mental strength mindset of empowering beliefs.

Reaching your personal goals and personal success starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.

This is one in a series of virtual success coaching and mental strength tips to help kick-start your week.  It is intended to enthuse and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one mental strength tips and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct success coaching questions.  The intention of this virtual success coaching session is for you to write and answer these questions in your success journal and then reflect on them to gain insight on yourself, your dreams and what’s holding you back.

These series of posts are for YOU!  If I’m not able to success coach you personally then I highly recommend picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” It’s a book that will take you through the exact process to take back control of your thoughts so that you can live a life a power, purpose and passion with perseverance!

You can your copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” now by going HERE.

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To help you see that mistakes are an important aspect of learning and growing and achieving your personal success.

Without mistakes there could be no personal growth.  Mistakes can be seen as valuable resources in assisting you in achieving your personal goals.

Let’s Get Started:

“…We need to be able—and this is a really tough one—to think more in the long-term and less in the short-term, to not always see failure as a waste of time, but sometimes as a risk that can lead to success. We must really look at our own and others’ efforts and accomplishments and not let reputations—good or bad—rest solely on past deeds. And finally, we need to man up and take real responsibility when things go wrong, rather than mouthing insincere platitudes or ignoring the problem altogether…”

 Better By Mistake – Alina Tugend

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • Have you been open with others about the mistakes you have made in the past?
  • Do you see how removing fear and judgment will allow you to share your mistakes and insights gained with others?
  • How would you help others and empower them to share their mistakes and wisdom?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Mistakes

  • If I admit mistakes I’ll not achieve my personal success
  • Mistakes make me look bad and no one will trust me.
  • Mistakes are embarrassing and prevent me my reaching my personal goals.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Mistakes

  • Making mistakes is human and everyone makes them, it’s what you do after that determines if you reach your personal success.
  • Making mistakes means taking chances and moving forward.
  • If you’re not making mistakes you’re not taking enough risks towards your personal goals.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Why are you afraid to make and share mistakes with others?
  • Were you ever reprimanded for admitting mistakes?
  • Are you sharing your mistakes often enough to help you and others grow and learn from them?

Reflective Questions:

  • What percentage of the time do you share your mistakes with others?
  • What would it take to overcome your fear of making mistakes so that you can reach personal success?
  • As your virtual success coach, how can I help you surmount your fear of making and sharing mistakes?

Mental Strength Coaching:

Like many pieces of the mental strength coaching puzzle, reconditioning you that it’s OK to make mistakes and share them is positive and part of achieve personal success will take time…be patient.

I want to inspire you to transcend average thinking that is fear based and move into mental strength thinking of top achievers that is based in love, abundance and gratitude.

Remember, if you’re really good at your craft, you will always be in demand, no matter how many mistakes you think you make.

Final Thought

Because most people are ‘average thinking’ with their thought process and philosophies rooted deeply in fear and scarcity, you may have to try several different strategies and tactics to raise your level of thinking to that of top achieves.

Covering up mistakes is something most of us learned during childhood, so it’s more than just an habitual thought process, it’s conditioned into us.

Be sure to recognize and acknowledge your fear in this area, as well as the fact that this type of thinking worked for you at some level.

Remember to that in mental strength thinking, survival is only the booby prize.  The objective here is to develop a courageous mindset that thunders down the track like a locomotive speeding toward you personal goals and personal success.

Get started today on creating this shift and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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